No Time for a Soft Landing: At 38 Years Old, His Erections are Weaker Despite no Other Health Changes
He suffers from weak erections without an obvious cause. Now he and his wife both want answers – she because sex isn’t the same and he because he’s fearful for his health.
Case #:1893
I think something is wrong with my penis. I used to have great stamina during sex. My erections were always hard and strong, and I was sufficiently long and thick. Now, at age 38, my size isn’t what it used to be and my erections are weaker. I’m married, don’t fool around and have never had a sexually transmitted disease. My wife is doing everything she can to turn me on before sex, but that’s not the problem. Something else is going on. Do you have any advice?
Most females are familiar with the effects of time. Wrinkles, sagging breasts and loss of libido are just three of a seemingly endless list of problems that plagues their bodies. But women aren’t the only ones with cause to worry. Father Time takes his toll on men as well, and the effects are often most notable in the penis.
What the Years Do to Men
As they age, many men complain about a loss of erection quality. A leading contributor is heart disease, which in turn may be triggered by diabetes, obesity and chronic alcoholism. Other complications that contribute to weak erections include kidney failure, drug abuse and neurologic disease.
During sexual arousal, heart rate and breathing both quicken. The faster heartbeat pumps more blood to the lower regions of the body and spurs an erection. An erection occurs when a tube in the penis called the corpora cavernosa fills with blood. Because of the male anatomy, an erection can occur at any time – even when it’s not wanted.
In the early years of a man’s life, his heart is strong and healthy and pumps copious amounts of blood through clean, unblocked veins. But with time those veins can become blocked, and the heart itself can grow weaker. This means blood flow to the penis diminishes and erections lose their strength.
It’s important to note a sedentary lifestyle makes achieving an erection that much harder. A healthy body really is key to maintaining penis quality. Healthy means regular exercise and nutritious food choices. This last factor is especially important as a man ages – the old choices of pizza and beer that once had no bodily effect can have serious consequences in a man over 35.
The Effects of Nutrition
When it comes to diet, vitamin C is a leading component for penis health. Researchers have found it helps maintain strong blood vessels and also repairs damaged tissues. A nutrient that improves penis stamina and function is ginseng. Along with vitamin C, ginseng can be added to your diet with daily supplements.
In addition to specific nutrients, it’s important for men to balance their diets with proteins and fats. Watch your calorie intake, reduce sugar and trade processed foods for fruits and vegetables.
But sound nutrition comes with a caveat: a man’s body loses its ability to absorb vitamins and minerals as the years pass. This occurs because of free radical damage and fluctuations in hormone levels. Where the penis is concerned, this means a healthy diet may or may not benefit erections. You might select fruits and vegetables with meals yet see your love life as only a fraction of what it once was.
How to Improve Erection Quality
At this point, you’re probably asking if you can do anything to reduce the effects of time and enjoy the bigger, harder penis of earlier years. We have good news: you can, and simple steps will yield big results when you select a course of action and stick to it.
Of all the products available for penis enhancement, a select group of powders, gels and tablets encourage tissue growth and promote stronger blood flow through the penis. (TRY: Enlargement for Older Males) These are the two most important elements for harder, more sustainable erections.
Enhancement products typically work on two levels: they prompt the release of healthy nitric oxide so blood flows freely through vessels and also relax muscles necessary for the penis to become erect. Men have noted increased sensitivity, improved sexual function and stronger orgasms – in other words, all the assets younger men brag about.
What to do
Products for Males Over 35: A Solution for Enlargement
In the early
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