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Not Hysterical About Her Hysterectomy

A 49-year-old women experiences perimenopausal symptoms after a partial hysterectomy. She currently takes prescription medications for insomnia and depression. What can ease her perimenopausal symptoms?
Case #: 945

I am 49 years of age. I have never been very orgasmic, and now, even less since having a partial hysterectomy. Lately, I have been experiencing perimenopausal symptoms—low libido, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and insomnia. What would you recommend to address these issues?

All of the problems you listed occur because of insufficient progesterone. Your body is flooded with estrogen, which affects your desire, mood and your body’s chemical makeup. When combined with high stress levels, the body can’t produce cortisol, an essential stress hormone. Without progesterone, cortisol cannot be produced. And if low progesterone and cortisol remain after a hysterectomy--or during menopause-- the body will experience hot flashes, insomnia and vaginal dryness.
Sex and Sadness

Progesterone converts into androestenedione, which can then be converted into testosterone. Without testosterone, your libido decreases because testosterone serves as a promulgator of desire for both men and women. Testosterone also controls fat burning in the body and the health of muscles. When testosterone remains low, you may experience a strength reduction in the pelvic muscles.
Your depression, meanwhile, may occur because of the low levels of testosterone, which serves as a mood-stabilizer. Your depression is not because of low levels of progesterone, but because of high levels of estrogen. Without progesterone and testosterone to mediate mood, your emotions swing high and low throughout the day and throughout your cycle.
Night Time Issues

For some reason, many female mental processes are controlled by progesterone. Low progesterone causes depression, insomnia, hot flashes, stress and anxiety and food cravings. And because estrogen functions as a mental agitator, low progesterone causes your mind to race a mile a minute before and during bedtime. When you attempt to fall asleep, your body starts to request the ovaries for more progesterone, which causes hot flashes.
Progestrogenic Plants

To solve these issues, I recommend beginning a natural formula that balances proestrogen. (TRY: Hormonal Rebalancing Remedy) Black Cohosh and Squawvine can treat low progesterone levels, unstable menstrual cycles and hot flashes because of hormone imbalances.

What to do

Hormonal Changease Remedy

When ‘change of life’ is happening, women need a transition period to slowly enable them to endure annoying symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, short temper, sleep difficulty, concentration problems, fatigue, and mood swings.

[More Details +]

Views: 181

Ideas: Women's, Menopause

Blog ID: 59231

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