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Coming to Grips with Masturbation Addiction – The Acne Connection

If your adolescence has gone away but your acne is here to stay, the problem may be too much masturbation. Hear one guy's story, and learn the unfortunate connection.

Case #: 693


I masturbate about once a day or every other day and have done so since I was 12. I'm now 21 and I think I should be done with acne problems, but I still break out constantly. I'm starting to think my masturbation habits are to blame after reading some articles on your website. But honestly, I really don't think I can stop masturbating altogether, not even to get rid of acne. I'm too addicted. What should I do?


Yes, there are certain annoying aspects of adolescence that we can't wait to put behind us once and for all: the constant embarrassing erections, the squeaky voice changes, and of course, the pustulant scourge of acne.

But what happens when adolescence packs it bags but the side effects decide to stick around? When that happens, you have a serious problem on your hands. The uninvited guest won't leave, and he's demanding squatters' rights. Now what?

You hit the nail right on the head (by the way, “hitting the nail on the head” is a terrible way to get rid of acne, so please don't try it). Over-masturbation can definitely cause acne to stick around, because all of that ejaculation causes an imbalance in the endocrine system.

This can happen in a number of ways. For instance, your body over-produces the androgen DHT, which interacts with androgen receptors and leads to breakouts. Also, an imbalance of androgen hormones causes an over-production of sebum, which can further exacerbate the problem.

The Real Problem – Masturbation Addiction

Yes, too much masturbation can turn your body into a hormonal war zone, but I understand that cutting back can be easier said than done, especially if you have a legitimate addiction. Sadly, masturbation addiction is a very real problem affecting millions of guys, but seldom do you hear about it. Usually there's a deep-seated emotional root to the compulsion. We masturbate to relieve stress, escape from some problem or just numb the pain.

Whatever it is, this goes much deeper than just seeking a bit of physical pleasure, so I would recommend speaking with a professional about your issue. There may be more going on under the surface than you even realize, and the healing starts from within.

What About the Acne Problem?

Of course, overcoming masturbation is a long, difficult process, and in the meantime, that persistent acne can be extremely embarrassing and can even hinder your quality of life. I would recommend an herbal treatment that addresses the hormonal imbalances and helps you to control breakouts. Herbs like Safflower, Bupleurum, Salvia and Rehmannia work together to promote healthy skin and inhibit those damaging stress hormones (SEE: herbal treatment for skin disorder caused by excessive masturbation)

It's not a substitute for cutting back on masturbation, but it can be enormously helpful in the meantime. Remember that taking care of yourself is about much more than just treating the symptoms. It's about addressing the real, underlying issues.

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Views: 148

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59098

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