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Boys Gone Wild – Penis Pain Due to Overmasturbation

Here we find a gentleman that has stopped masturbation in order to start his healing process, but is still experiencing you penile pain and discomfort. What can he do to get over this final hurdle?

Case #: 963


I have ordered the products you mentioned and should receive them within a matter of days now. I read on your website that retention of semen can be as bad as over masturbation. I have quit masturbation and sex but noticed that if I get aroused I suffer inflammatory pains in penis and testicles. It has been a few weeks now that I have quit. It is very difficult being around my girlfriend and trying not to get aroused. I still get erections but have avoided doing anything because I don't want to prevent full recovery. Should I stay away from her for a while? Should I retain ejaculate if I get aroused? I'm very thankful that I still get erections just don't want any more inflammatory pain with it.


A couple of years ago, a friend surprised me by renting a party bus for my birthday. Earlier, he had told me that he’d pick me up and so to get ready, and I thought he meant in his car.

All Aboard!

Well, needless to say I was pretty shocked (in a good way) when I saw this multi-colored bus arrive honking for me to come out. After jumping on board, we stopped by other friends’ houses that he had prearranged to have picked up. It just got better and better as more and more people got on board, and you could feel the energy start to pick up gradually. Uncontrollable laughter, even some screeching and hollering and just a great amount of fun amped up higher and higher, culminating in a big birthday bash at an exclusive venue. What a climax!

Now imagine that your body is the party bus, and your friends on board are the crucial neurotransmitters, hormones, and nutrients needed for your libido. What if you’d once had all of your friends on board and ridden around for kicks, having a blast with not a care in the world. Now let’s say that every day was your birthday (masturbation), and you began to ride around on your party bus all the time, even multiple times a day in some cases.

Eventually, your friends would tire of this endless party, and one by one would not show up to be picked up. Not only that, but as a result of this constant partying your poor bus wasn’t getting proper maintenance (rest) in order to stay in good condition. As a result of your over masturbation (partying on your part bus too much), you’ve severely depleted your body of its resources, resulting in a sharp drop off of DHT, testosterone, dopamine, and oxycotin. The reduction of these hormones has led to a spike in your Prostaglandin E2 levels, which can cause prostate, testicular, and penile inflammation and pain. What do we need to do to get your party bus back on the road?

In the Garage

You’ve already pulled your party bus into a garage for repairs, so keep it in there a little longer (rest) while your body rebalances itself.

There are some natural herbal formulas that can help to address these issues. (SEE: Erectile Pain Relief Herbal Formula) The special properties contained in these ancient remedies can boost your acetylcholine, serotonin, testosterone, and dopamine levels back to their proper strength, and thereby reduce your Prostaglandin E2 levels.

This will result in your penile pain, and any other groin discomfort gradually evaporating until you are back to your former glory. The restorative qualities of these herbs can also help to repair any damaged penile tissues that may have been affected due to your excessive masturbation. You’re already on the right path; you just need a little push to get your party bus jumpstarted.

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观看次数: 109


笔记编号: 58573

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