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So Much for Size Doesn’t Matter: Men with Longer Penises Don’t Suffer the Same Humiliation as Their Smaller Counterparts
Like knives, words can cut to the bone. Matt, 27, knows this as well as anyone. His last lover looked at him after intercourse and uttered the most hurtful words she could muster with, “Your penis is too small.” There he sat on a rumpled bed, trying to make sense of what he heard. Even worse, she confirmed what he already knew: his penis was inadequate.
“What can you do when somebody tells you that?” he asks. “I had no choice but to watch her walk out the door. I waited more than six months before I felt comfortable enough to have sex again. By that time, I had taken action – no way did I want to risk another woman being disappointed with my body.”
Facing the Truth
Matt points out a small penis isn’t exactly a topic to discuss with friends or family. “I have no idea if my dad’s penis is small, if my brother’s is big…those aren’t questions you can ask. So trying to find out why I was small wasn’t an option. All I could focus on was doing something about it.”
Penis size is a thought that plagues most men. Some call this a fixation, but a guy’s manhood dangles between his legs for all the world to see. Just as women fear their hair isn’t right, men fear their penises fall short of expectation. This can seriously impair confidence and even cause relationship problems.
“Before the lover who told me what I didn’t want to hear, I tried to finesse my lovemaking techniques to compensate for my size,” Matt says. “But the more I tried, the more I worried it still wasn’t enough. Sex wasn’t pleasurable because my frame of mind was all wrong. I never had a relationship that lasted more than a few months – women don’t want to deal with constant insecurity.”
Getting it Right
Matt first heard of penis enlargement as a cosmetic surgery procedure. He knew that wasn’t the option for him because the risk for damage far outweighed any potential benefits. After a little research, he discovered the breadth of products that promise to lengthen the penis is almost endless.
“I found information on penis pumps, supplements and even exercises, all of which promised big results. But everybody knows marketing success does not guarantee a quality product. I finally settled on a cream – Maximus Enlargement Cream – because of its homeopathic formula. I’m not willing to take chances with my dick.” (SEE: Penile Creams for Longer Penis Length)
Enlargement creams contain ingredients that mimic natural hormones. When they make contact with the body, those ingredients stimulate tissue growth for a bigger penis. The best results come to men who consistently apply the cream and practice healthy habits that include a nutrient-rich diet and regular exercise.
The Silver Lining
“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m grateful to that girl who told me my penis was too small,” Matt says. “If not for her, I wouldn’t have done anything to change.”
Matt reports he uses the Maximus Enlargement Cream every day, following the directions on the tube so nothing is left to chance. He admittedly didn’t have immediate results, but after a month he saw the fruits of his efforts.
“My penis is bigger,” he reports. “I can tell it’s longer when I look in the mirror and when I have sex. The sensation is so much stronger than before. My girlfriend is completely satisfied – she comes every time I’m inside her. They say size doesn’t matter, but I can tell you this much: it’s better to be bigger than smaller.”
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Views: 194

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, Humiliation

GuideID: 62634

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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