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Papule Self-Perescution: Perpetuated by Ignorance and Silence
When fathers tell their sons about the facts of life, it is considered something of a rite of passage for them both. The son learns about his father's cultural programming with respect to sex and love, as well as whatever information the father has regarding the penis. The father undergoes a similar ritual challenge by in temporarily overcoming that cultural programming and talking about these topics at all, even to his own son.
Traditional Ways Preserve Traditional Thoughts... For Good Or Ill
This approach presents several important problems. First and foremost, unless the father in question is not only a trained and experienced urologist but has particular experience with unusual circumstances regarding the penis, most men have very little verifiable information to pass along. Secondly, along with probable misinformation or even a lack of information, this presentation will probably teach the boy an extremely strong reticence to ever speak about the topic again, with anyone, under any circumstances. Presenting vital information about the penis in this fashion is all-but-guaranteed to perpetuate several extremely unhealthy attitudes about sex and the penis. Not least of which is to ignore any problem that does not appear to damage the penis structure and/or function, but a close second is to treat any perfectly normal anatomical variation like Fordyce spots or pearly penile papules as “ugly” at best or “a sexually-transmitted disease” at worst.
What To Pass On?
As a general rule, the chance of a “traditional value” to become culturally ingrained is directly proportional to the degree that a culture's environment reinforces it. For example, nomadic desert cultures such as the Tuareg use a garment called a tagelmust (or a cheich or cheche) for the practial purpose of shielding their heads from direct sunlight, and their mouths and noses from windborn sand, but it also serves a fundamental social purpose of establishing socioeconomic status; in the absence of such an item, many Tuareg males will improvise by covering the lower half of their faces with their hands. In physical environments where such a covering is unnecessary, the practice forms a cultural identifier; in extremely humid environments, the covering may prove detrimental, as it would allow certain pathogenic microorganisms more commonly found in the genital area an additional environment to colonize.
Therefore, it behooves every generation to carefully examine their traditional cultural beliefs and practices before passing them on. The philosophical and cultural “value” of slavery is beyond the scope of this article, but I personally feel that the culture of silence surrounding genital health must be questioned. The total necessity is questionable; it seems based on an absolutist thought-pattern amounting to “If we don't keep it quiet, then every man will walk around with it blowing in the wind!”
My response is to point out that although there are “clothing-optional beaches” operating today, the garment industry is in no danger of collapse. I submit that further openness can only assist medical professionals in learning more about PPP and other penis-based health issues.
Knowledge Defeats Ignorance
Mortality rates for women giving birth decreased sharply in facilities where the doctors washed their hands after contact with corpses and before assisting with birth. A noted physician who tried to insist on the practice was roundly attacked for challenging tradition, but when the germ theory of infection was proved, modern hygienic practices became widespread. Likewise, basic testing procedures for determining infections such as genital warts or other such diseases disprove the notion that PPP is a disease.
Trust Defeats Silence
Many episodes of the now-concluded medical drama series “House” were based on a patient's complaint and treatment becoming more complicated because the patient refused to pass on critically-important information until the situation became life-threatening, most often because the truth was embarrassing. As it happens, PPP is unlikely to turn into a life-threatening condition, but the embarrassment can still be too strong to allow the patient to ask about it, thereby denying him access to viable treatments.
Ultimately, PPP is more a measure of how a man deals with a previously-unknown problem. Will he hide within the comfort zone of silence? Or will he use wisdom, trust, and knowledge?
The choice and legacy are each man's alone.
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GuideID: 62439

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