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Your Guide to Penis Enlagement

Treat your penis like you treat religion. Be proud you have one. Be proud you use it. But most importantly, be

proud to not shove it down anyone’s throat—especially not in public. For a man, the penis is a source of personal pride, and while myriad studies have indicated that women care more about thickness rather than length, men continue to brood over both dimensions. So what exactly determines size—and more importantly--what leads to enlargement of both the length and width of the penis?

Content Summary
FAQs and Myths About Enlargement

Discover the commonly asked questions about penis enlargement
Understand the myths surrounding enlaregement. 

Starting Size

Prior to ever googling the term “penis enlargement,” men will ask the Internet “Am I Average? According to researchers at Indiana University, the average penis size measures around 5.5 inches in length. And while most men remain happy with their size, a few will want an inch or two for an extra confidence boost, especially men ages 18-35  who want to impress potential mates for add assistance.
Men who seek enlargement will be presented with two options for growth: length or girth. The two methods differ drastically. Length enlargement focuses its efforts on expanding the tissue for improved growth; girth, on pumping additional blood into the penile chambers for enlargement. 

WidthNatural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement improves the girth. Thanks to all-natural ingredients, such as Morinda RootEpimediumAvena SativaPoria Cocos and Astragalus membranaceus, males can experience the following:

1. Increased growth factors for a larger penile chamber
2. Improved levels of HGH, PGE-1 and testosterone that enhance the penile chamber
3. Enhanced growth of the elastic sponge tissue necessary for holding more blood inside the penile chamber
Length Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth improves length. Thanks to all-natural ingredients, such as Cistanche, Cuscuta, Deer Antler, Fo Ti and Ginseng, males can experience the following:

1. Increased levels of HGH, dopamine, DHT, testosterone and acetylcholine in the penile tissues
2. Dissolved collagen scaring that prevents blood flow
3. Added inches to current length and width
4. Enhanced blood circulation and nitric oxide levels

Enlargement Goals,  Expectations and Limitations

Each man will have different goals during the enlargement process, and various factors can affect these efforts. For example, a 40-year-old man with a starting size of fewer than 5 inches will have different expectations and results than a 32-year-old male with a starting size of over 5 inches. Prior to starting an enlargement regiment, males should set goals and understand the real expectations that can be achieved. Your enlargement efforts will be affected by the following circumstances:
If your starting size is 5 inches or more or if your starting size is fewer than 5 inches
If you’re under or over the age of 35 

Circumstances That Affect Your Enlargement Efforts

Men who hope to meet their enlargement goals should too understand how the following factors can limit or

affect your potential for reaching your desired length or girth. Each factor can present different challenges and require a new approach.

Penile Ballooning Technique
8“Ballooning” the penis prolongs the duration of an erection to fill the organ with elevated levels of testosterone. By increasing the amount of testosterone to the penis, males may experience enhanced size.  
Massage and Nourish X-Spot For Bigger Penis Size8
3Similar to the G-spot, the X-spot serves as a stimulation spot for males. Except the X-spot serves another purpose—to increase the size of a man’s penis.  
Penile Girth Growth Technique7
4By enlarging the penile glans, men can obtain a longer, wider size. When mixed with essential growth factors, such as HGH, nitric oxide, and prostaglandin E1, males can exacerbate the enlargement process. 
Reverse V Hook For Shrinking Penis63By shaping the fingers into a “V,” a male can enhance the length of his penis. 
Additional Techniques 
  • Penis Stretch: Stretches vary, but most will require the pulling and tugging of the penis to expand the tissue. Read the pros and cons of this technique.
  • Jelqing: Jelqing requires men to perform a “milking motion” of the penis. Read the pros and cons of this technique.
  • Penis Pump: Penile pumps traditionally help men with erectile dysfunction, but some say they enlarge the penis too. Find out the pros and cons of this technique.
  • Penis Exercise: Penile exercises, like stretches, involve a series of techniques to enlarge the penis. Discover the kinds of stretches are and the benefits for these techniques.
  • Penis Weights: A bit more painful and dangerous, men have experienced some results with penis weights. See the pros and cons for this technique.
  • Kegel: Known to control premature ejaculation, Kegel may too give men a larger length. Read the pros and cons of this technique. 
Associated Symptoms

Most men who wish to step up their enlargement efforts too may face other sex-related issues, including:
Penis Shrinkage
Premature Ejaculation
Prostate Problems
Penis Injuries and Curvature
Men with these issues will want to resolve these issues first before taking on any penis-enlargement efforts. 

Want to Experience Penis Enlargement? Find Out How Our Experts and Community Can Help You.
By sharing your comments and concerns on the following forum topic, Herballove experts and community members can offer tips, proper diet advice and products for improving your penis size. If you have a comment or concern, please sign in or register to post your opinions on the forums. If you want to recover, the following information can prove vital:   
  • How often do you masturbate? 
  • What do you want to grow? Length? Width? Both?
  • What’s your current age?
  • Do you experience any health conditions that could damage your penile growth? Diabetes? High Blood Pressure? Obesity?
  • Do you take any medications?
  • What does your diet consist of?
[More Details +]

Views: 863

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

GuideID: 62244

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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