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Premature Ejaculation: How Excessive Masturbation Affects Your Performance

A man may have a decent size penis, but size counts for nothing if he cannot last long enough. For a woman to get sexually stimulated, she needs constant stimulation of either the Clitoris or G-spot. Men must control their orgasms in order to help her achieve an orgasm. Releasing too quickly is known as premature ejaculation.

What chemical imbalances does masturbation create? O.M. damages the balance of neurotransimitters inside the body. 
Does over masturbation leave you exhausted? Yes, find out how. 
Do other people really experiece premature ejauclation from over masturbation? Yes, read one individual's story!

Males require less time to orgasm and masturbating excessively does not help with endurance. While masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior, over-indulgence can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances. Frequent masturbation and ejaculation will stimulate the acetylcholine along with the parasympathetic nervous functions, causing an ineffectual imbalance.
Excessive masturbation and ejaculation can, and often times will, result in over-production of sex stress hormones and neurotransmitters. An unnatural abundance of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to produce excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion, making the brain and bodily functions perform at an extreme level. The extreme level can result in the quick and unwanted ejaculation during intercourse.

Men looking to improve performance must first refrain from masturbating. By taking a few weeks off can help the body stabilize and restore balance to the excess neurotransmitters being unleashed. In addition, men may want to strengthen their ejaculation valve by performing the Taoist's Natural Ejaculation Control Technique, which teaches men to better control their ejaculation.

Controlling the ejaculation is great, but some men may be so exhausted their bodies produce high levels of neurotransmitters and sex hormones. In order to help the body stabilize, some men may benefit from taking the nourishing herbal pills in order to help them reach equilibrium.

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Views: 310

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, premature ejaculation

GuideID: 60731

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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