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Astragalus Complanatus - The ages-old Medicinal Herb For Rapid Ejaculation

Astragalus Complanatus, a species from the Astragalus family, remains one of the most revered Chinese health tonics. Astragalus herb family has earned a reputation for boosting immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells, which enhance and strengthen the immune system. Astragalus Complanatus, often added to herbal formulas, actuates the recovery from mental and sexual exhaustion. Astragalus seeds are also used in the treatment of kidney disease and vertigo problems.

The Seed

The seed, which contains hepatic and ophthalmic properties, helps in the treatment of kidney diseases, spontaneous seminal emissions, vertigo, and hindered sight. Found in the elevated regions of the Gansu and Sichuan provinces of China, Astragalus Complanatus serves as the primary herbal constituent in Chinese medical formulas.

The popular plant grows over three feet high and is distinguished by its rigid stalks that sprout out in multiple pairs of leaflets. The root of the plant provides relief from spontaneous and profuse sweating, low metabolism, edema, seminal leakge, wet dreams, premature ejaculation, and the prolapse of internal organs due to a weak immune and imbalance endocrine system.

Inside Astragalus Complantus 

Key constituents of Astragalus Complanatus include a multitude of fatty acids. Scientists speculate that these fatty acids act as hypotensive agents that decrease the total peripheral resistance around the penile tissues and interact with the parasympathetic nerves for stronger ejaculation control.

Stop Inflammation & Pre-cum Leak

Astragalus Complanatus contains astragalin, a well-known flavonoid that exhibits anti-inflammatory activity. Ancient Chinese Medical Textbooks indicate that the Astragalus seed essentially, “lock up one’s private parts to prevent the leaking out both the vital essence (semen or precum) and invisible energy flow”. According to these texts, uncontrollable seminal leakage and/or premature ejaculation are fatal to a man’s vitality, resulting in symptoms varying from exhaustion to premature aging. In remedies such as the Herbal Pills for Sperm Preservation and Premature Ejaculation, it interacts with other herbs to create a synergy that helps prevent premature ejaculation among males.

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Views: 362

Ideas: Male, premature ejaculation, weak parasympathetic nerves

GuideID: 60586

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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