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Penis Pain - Caused by Over Masturbation

The penis is a source of tremendous pleasure for men. When men experience pain in their penises, the feeling can be uncomfortable. Pain can disrupt their sex lifes and jeopardize their intimacy with relationships. Penile pain can be more than just a distraction or minor inconvenience. It can lead to a repetitive trauma in which men become so accustomed to experiencing the pain that they can no longer live normal lives. It can affect job performance, social abilities, and most importantly, sexual performance.  


Penile pains are commonly caused by fractures during sexual intercourse or by prolonged over masturbation. Other causes include use of penile pump or inflammation of the urethra (urethritis).  A penis fracture can occur when there is trauma to the erect penis, resulting in rupture of the cylinder lining.

The severity of penis pain caused by over masturbation develops in stages. First, the problematic stage, the sufferer experiences the initial signs of discomfort and finds it unsettling. The severe stage finds him in persistent pain. The addictive stage manifests itself sees an addition of headaches, while the final, severely addictive stage encompasses all of the aforementioned symptoms along with swollen penile veins that lead to poor testicular blood circulation, penile shrinkage and pain.

Natural Solutions

For a fractured or damaged penis, many herbs can help damaged nervous endings and improve the parasympathetic nerves for added erection strength. Some of the herbs in herbal formula include:

  • Gotu kola  heals skin and connects tissue
  • Ashwagandha and Schizandra ensure potency
  • Damiana improves blood flow to the genital area
  • Sarsaparilla contains a testosterone-like substance for men. 
  • Wild Yam contains natural steroids that rejuvenate lovemaking
  • Yohimbe expands the blood vessels in the penis, and increases blood flow and nitrous oxide for achieving an erection.

Over ejaculation can overtax the parasympathetic bioelectric battery, leading to a slow testicular function, insufficient testosterone and low sperm count.  Herbs from the Penile Pain & Nerve Rejuvenation Remedy can help reverse these problems.
For an inflamed urethra, the following herbs hep fight infection, relieve pain and strengthen the urinary system:

  • Cranberry, good for kidney health
  • Green Tea promotes antioxidant, anticancer and immune effects
  • Cat's Claw, good for immune system, and for fighting bacteria and fungal activity
  • Bromelain reduces pain and inflammation
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Ideas: Over Masturbation, Painful Penis

GuideID: 62319

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Channels: Over Masturbation

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