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Psychotherapy for Premature Ejaculation Caused by Performance Anxiety
  1. How exactly does stress affect my love life? According to studies, stress can lower GABA and serotonin, necessary neurochemicals that prevent an ejaculation. When stress levels remain high, they can lead to a common sexual dysfunction known as performance anxiety.

In a random study, 45 people were interviewed and were shown a white board with six symptoms written on it-- increased risk for infection, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and anxiety and depressive disorders.

Each participant was asked to identify what condition or illness these six symptoms belonged to. The most common answer among participants was cancer.

The answer was stress.

The side effects of stress read like that of a terminal illness, but manageable levels of stress can prove helpful. According to U Lifeline, stress can help individuals meet daily challenges and can provide necessary motivation for reaching goals. But when stress reaches inordinate levels, it can affect work, relationships and sexual performance.

Talk Therapy: Improvements for Your Love Life 

Talk therapy, psychotherapy where patients discuss relationships and experiences, reduces the chances of men experiencing performance anxiety, stress and anxiety-induced premature ejaculations.  

Most men and women assume the factors of their stress are obvious. Work-related deadlines, multiple schoolwork projects and even poor relationships may be labeled as the causes of stress. But procrastination of deadlines, poor time management of school-related work and attitude problems may serve as the true causes of stress. Talking to a therapist may help identify and provide methods for eliminating these stress-related symptoms and excuses, such as

  • Claiming stress is temporary, e.g., this will pass once I get a breather
  • Saying stress serves as a “necessary” part of your lifestyle, e.g., my job is stressful or school is just difficult
  • Shifting the blame of stress to external individuals or events

For over-stressed individuals affected by premature ejaculation, talking to a therapist may identify these excuses and provide methods for improving your lifestyle and love life. Psychotherapy, especially for inexperienced males, improves sexual relationships with partners. The stress and anxiety about not matching her expectations can prove daunting. Therapist can teach stress-reducing methods for improving endurance.  And when combined with all-natural supplements designed to eliminate stress and worry, therapy can further improve a male's performance. 

Discover how one man's stressful lifestyle damaged his sex life.  
Learn how these bedroom tips may reduce your premature problems

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Views: 270

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation, Performance Anxiety

GuideID: 62095

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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