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Abstinence and Premature Ejaculation – The Strangest of Bedfellows
Your penis is dying to have an orgasm...probably right now as we speak. There's no shame in it. It's a basic human need. When you go for long periods of time without ejaculating, your body goes into “sexual starvation” mode.

Studies have shown that abstinent men tend to have the highest number of nocturnal emissions, or wet dreams, so even if you're trying your damnedest to do your priestly duty and save your seed, the devil will still jerk you off while you sleep. In the immortal words of Dr. Ian Malcolm in the movie “Jurassic Park,” “Life finds a way.” 
Yes, abstinence is tough, and it can even lead to premature ejaculation. Think about it. You're bombarded with sexual images all day. The Victoria Secret model who playfully taunts you from a big-city billboard; the svelte girls who jog through the park every morning in their sports bras; the gratuitous sex scene in films; or the scantily clad waitress at your favorite restaurant (if you eat at Hooters, it's your own fault).

Throughout the day, arousal builds like heat in a pressure cooker. When that pressure is finally released, things can get a little messy. That's why a little masturbation every now and then is actually a good thing. 
Dealing with Premature Ejaculation – The Dilemma of Every Abstinent Man 
Let's assume that you haven't eaten in three days. Then, you stumble into a Denny's and order a cheeseburger. Chances are that burger is going to be gone in a matter of seconds. You might even shovel it in so voraciously that the whole experience causes you to black out briefly.

Sex creates a kind of appetite too, except this type is far less socially acceptable to appease at a Denny’s. According to the research report, extended periods of abstinence can make holding an orgasm very difficult for a man. 
So how do you regain control? 
Slow It Down 
In some instance, you can manage premature ejaculations simply by “rubbing one out.” Not to be crude, but a quick orgasm after a long dry spell can be therapeutic. If the problem proves to be persistent, a deeper issue may be to blame. 
Fortunately, the solution may be as simple as calming those nerves (SEECalm Pills For PE). When you're over stimulated, because you haven't had sex in 8 years or because you aim for partners out of your league, you need to regain your focus and composure.

Thankfully, calming herbs like Jujube, Licorice, and Schizandra, have a natural tranquilizer effect on the body. No, they won't put you to sleep, but they'll allow you to keep the action going for much longer.
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Views: 578

Ideas: Male, premature ejaculation, abstinence

GuideID: 61473

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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