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The Backfire – When Over Masturbation Causes Headaches
It may come as a shock to some men that masturbation can cause symptoms normally associated with stress and anxiety, but too much self-stimulation can lead to headaches and migraines. Besides, doesn’t an ejaculation eliminate emotional headaches, not cause literal ones?
Despite the emotional respite we may feel from an ejaculation, masturbation can lead to headaches, concentration issues, migraines, blurred vision, dizziness, and mild neuralgia that causes slight fatigue.
What Is Causing the Headaches?
While it’s true that the release achieved by an orgasm often eases worries and lessens stress levels, overdoing it causes significant chemical imbalances. Headaches caused by over masturbation occur because of increases to cortisol and prolactin.
High levels of cortisol impede the functions of the pituitary-adrenal glands and the testicles. This stoppage leads to a deficiency in androgen hormones and a constriction to the carotid arteries in the brain. Thanks to the constriction of the carotid artery, men can experience headaches and migraines.
Meanwhile, high levels of prolactin block the release of prostaglandin E-1, an anti-inflammatory hormone. The blockage of prostaglandin E-1 leads to nerve and tissue inelasticity and inflexibility, causing painful headaches and migraines.
What You Can Do To Avoid Headaches
For headaches to disappear, your body needs to decrease both cortisol and prolactin to stop the constriction of the carotid artery and the blockage of prostaglandin E-1. With inhibited levels of both cortisol and prolactin, your body can produce the necessary neurochemicals, such as prostaglandin E-1 that prevents headaches.
Fortunately, natural home remedies for migraines contain ingredients that minimize headaches and migraines, including Catuaba, which alleviates pain by increasing blood flow to the brain and genitals, and Shilajit, an anti-inflammatory that relieves the pain of headaches and migraines.
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Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, headache

GuideID: 60587

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