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Sex Is Like A Favorite Candy Bar - Too Much Can...
I look at sex like a favorite candy bar. Each time I have it, I enjoy it. Each minute of enjoying it creates a sense of elation. Once I finish it, I feel a bit sad, almost with the desire for more. But I know that If I have too much of it, it will create a disdain for my favorite treat. So I do the smart thing—I enjoy it in moderation. 
For other men, they treat sex like a new toy on Christmas—enamored by it, but bored with it after a few months. And men will brag about their sexual performances like kids will gloat to friends about their new toys. After prolonged use, the toy loses its luster, and sex follows the same pattern. 
For some men, this luster, this excitement, this orgasmic holy-baby-Jesus-this-feels-good wears off. And it wears off because testosterone levels decline or stress levels rise. 
Testosterone at a Glance
Testosterone powers your sex drive, controlling bone mass, hair growth, mood and sex drive. Too little can alter your mood; too much, lead to violent mood swings. While excessive masturbation, age, poor diet and excessive belly fat all can contribute to a dearth of the hormone, testosterone can leave you moody, bald and sexually discontent. 
The Stress Factor
Sure, age, excessive masturbation and excessive belly fat can alter your testosterone levels, but stress and high anxiety levels can lead to six factors that contribute to impotence.
1) Unnatural Focus. Focusing too (or not enough) can send our brain into a stream of nonsensical brooding that causes erectile issues.
2) Distractions. You can’t enjoy sexual pleasures when you’re worried. 
3) Negative Emotions. The more negativity you feel, the less sexual energy you have to expend on lovemaking.
4) Hormone Changes. Stress and anxiety can alter the production of hormones that impede arousal.
5) Creation of Romantic Stress. This is fear caused by the loss of attraction between you and your partner.
6) Draining. Anxiety can make you feel fatigued, draining you of energy necessary for sex. 
Despite the challenges these issues create, you can recover your sex drive. Natural remedies can minimize the fear, worry and stress caused by your job, personal issues and family. It too can create a proper balance of necessary hormones and neurochemicals needed for healthy, strong deire and erections for sex. (List of Herbs For Low Testosterone Problems)
If you continue to suffer from erectile issues, take command of your sex life today. Do not let unwarranted stress and anxiety ruin your lovemaking skills.

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Views: 250

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, low testosterone

GuideID: 60182

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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