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Diabetes - Making Your Erection Die Too Soon?
It’s tough enough just trying to keep the fire burning in your relationship as the years pass.

Intimacy often fizzles for various reasons, but don’t let your diabetes become the deciding factor that comes between you and the kind of loving you want. For many men, sexual desire hardly dies; the river of love is still flowing strong, but the bloodstream in the veins has come to a halt, literally.
Pundits believe 80 percent of men with diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to obtain or maintain substantial blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. It may start off as isolated incidents, in which you would probably believe you just weren’t in the mood at the time. So it’s no big deal, huh.
Sure, that’s not a reason to panic now, but if you don’t treat it early on it could advance to a severe case of erectile dysfunction, known as impotence.  Statistics suggest 50 percent of men with diabetes have let the problem worsen to the point where they have become impotent, often leading to psychological problems such loss of self-confidence and depression.
When men become crippled with diabetes, the disease causes nerve damage and can lead to cardiovascular disease, causing blood vessel damage to the extent that it prevents blood from flowing freely throughout the body.  As the blood vessels deteriorate, the body produces less nitric oxide, a gaseous signaling molecule used to relax the smooth muscle surrounding the blood vessels for healthy blood circulation throughout the body, including the penis.
Nitric oxide causes the blood vessels in the penis to widen for increased blood flow; thereby low production of nitric oxide prevents substantial influx of blood to obtain an erection.  Lack of enough nitric oxide will also prevent enough blood flow to compress the penile veins needed to trap the blood in the penis after an erection for sustainability.
As if that’s not enough to deal with, the nerve damage caused by diabetes is the reason why you may get sexually aroused but still can’t obtain an erection. The nerves simply aren’t able to send the message from the brain to the penis.
But still, there’s no reason to panic. There are several natural remedies to help combat diabetes and impotence, if you are apprehensive about surgical or conventional medical treatment.  You must start with proper dieting to keep your blood sugar level low.  Stay away from greasy foods, as they clog your arteries and restrain blood flow. A low-fat vegan diet is the most effective way to help lower blood sugar.  Bitter Melon is a cucumber-shaped fruit that is also very helpful for regulating blood sugar.  It is usually found in Asian markets.  You can chop it up and add to your salad or stir-fry.
Find a way to infuse pumpkin seeds into your diet. Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium and vitamin K, both of which help combat type II diabetes.  Men with type II diabetes are particularly vulnerable because it often damages the inner layers of blood vessels in the penis, resulting in low oxide production and weak erections.
Exercising definitely helps fight diabetes.  Cardio workouts are very effective, but a traditional Chinese meditative exercise called Tai Chi can balance your blood glucose level within weeks because it emphasizes bio-energy.
So don’t fall victim to your disorder.

Get a thorough diagnosis of your problem to find a solution that best suits you and start back getting the loving you want and need.

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Views: 215

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, diabetes

GuideID: 59610

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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