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Shame in the Game – Embarrassment Over Having a Smaller Member & What to do About it
Les heard the giggled again for the umpteenth time, he jumped out of his chair and peered over his cubicle partition to see two of his female office co-workers looking his way. They suddenly acted like they hadn’t been talking about him and turned around, walking off in the opposite direction while making sniggling noises. He sat back down and put his head down into his hands…this torment just had to stop somehow.
It had all began at an office pool party. Les had been told by his ex-girlfriend that she considered his penis to be pretty normal sized (even though he’d been her first sex partner), and so he felt moderately comfortable about his body image with regards to penis size. He had been looking forward to seeing a few of the hotter office girls in their bikinis and so went shopping for a pair of speedos AKA a banana hammock. He wanted to stand out from all of the other guys who mainly whore shorts.
It’s a Cold World
Arriving at the pool party, Les took off his shorts and began strutting around with his bright yellow speedos. He approached one of the hotter office girls with a drink in hand and she suddenly bolted for the other side of the pool as if looking for someone. He approached another – with similar results. He finally went up to one of the fat office women who was wearing a 1-piecce bathing suit with a skirt-type thing wrapped around her lower half in order to hide her cottage cheese butt and thighs.
“Les…did you really go there?” she said to him.
“Huh…what do you mean?” he replied.
She looked down at his crotch area. “Les, I really like you as a man. But wow! You are going to catch it!” With that, she giggled and wobbled away.
In the days following the party, there had been jokes passed around the office pertaining to Les’ penis size, or rather lack thereof. “Lil’ Smoky,” “Tweezer Crotch,” and “Elevator Button” were some of the more popular terms.
When Les couldn’t take it anymore he went to the human resources department, and was laughed at when he brought up the incessant heckling he’d had to endure. Evidently, sexual harassment wasn’t a two-way street. He’d show them! When he got home that evening, he started looking online for penis pumps and other devices he’d heard could increase penis size.
Shame, and then Hope
While this may seem like a silly scenario, this happens to men more than people realize since men are supposed to be tough and not show any emotion, even when heckled. Men who feel inadequate downstairs can take some serious blows to their egos and come to feel shameful about their perceived little guy down there.
Many men, in fits of desperation, can go into a mode where they just have to find a quick-fix solution in order to get a larger penis. Penis pumps and cock rings are two of the more common sought after devices, and while using them can result in short-term gains in size, the temporary elation felt by men can quickly turn into a living nightmare.
Penis pumps and cock rings can severely damage penile nerves and tissues, and even lead to having a “broken arrow” AKA fractured penis. Men suffering from these injuries can experience problems getting and maintaining erections i.e. erectile dysfunction, and this can compound the shame and anxiety felt, making this worse. Men who are going through this sort of crisis may want to consider taking Soy Isoflavones.
Remember when Sylvester Stallone got busted at an airport for carrying hGH with him? Well in case you’ve been wondering why the actor is so buffed and still looks amazingly young for his age, it’s a no-brainer that he’s on the stuff. hGH has been known to build muscle mass, increase bone density, increase energy levels, and decrease body fat. It has also been used in order to increase sex drive.
Soy Isoflavones help to naturally stimulate hGH production within the body, which allows for faster healing of ruptured penile tissues and nerve endings. (TRY: Everyday Penis Enlargement Formula) Just remember that you must refrain from jacking your member while undergoing this healing process or all of your efforts will be in vain.
When you do come back to it (after your healing process is complete), try masturbating at a moderate cyclic pace; 3 to 4 times per week is pretty standard for a healthy male. So here’s to having a fun and full recovery!
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Views: 143

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, giggled

GuideID: 58768

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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