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Spinning the Downward Spiral: Repair Hard Living and Sexual Exhaustion with the Herbal Remedy ViaPal-hGH-O
Vic appears straight as an arrow. He’s a gourmet chef and cookbook author. He has an MBA from Stanford University and collects model airplanes. When home, he spends his time studying, mowing lawn and testing new recipes.
Hard Living
But Vic’s life wasn’t always so tidy. He started smoking cigarettes at age nine, masturbating the following year and drinking before he was a teenager. These pastimes became obsessions, and even his parents couldn’t stop Vic’s downward spiral.
“I wanted nothing from life except to whack-off and get drunk,” he recalls. “I had my first sexual encounter when I was 13. After that, I started sleeping with girls I met at parties, friends’ houses, wherever. I couldn’t get enough.”
Vic dropped out of high school and went to work in a restaurant. There he found a new and surprising passion: cooking. “Food diverted my attention from the other stuff,” he says. “I loved the sights and smells of complex dishes. I had found my calling.”
With the help of his parents, Vic quit the substance abuse and returned to school. He earned his high school diploma, bought his own restaurant and attended college. The only habit he couldn’t break was masturbation.
“I knew that anytime I wanted, I could touch myself and experience orgasm,” Vic explains. “I masturbated four or five times a day until I was 35. It kept me from having a meaningful relationship because I didn’t think a woman could satisfy my sexual appetite.”
Too Tired to Perform
Vic changed his mind when he met Marie, a talented cook from France. He fell hard and fast, and when he invited Marie up to his apartment, he nearly melted with desire. His body, on the other hand, wouldn’t cooperate.
“We got into bed, and I tried like hell to make love to her, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t get hard.”
Marie asked what was wrong, and Vic opened up about his past. He talked about the drugs, alcohol, sex, and masturbation. She listened, then told him to call after he’d sorted himself out.
“I watched her leave and felt I’d lost the only woman I could love,” Vic remembers. “The best thing she did was suggest I find a remedy for sexual exhaustion. That was a real wake-up call.”
A New Beginning
Up to this point, Vic had tried to ignore his body’s symptoms. He was tired all the time, felt constant back pain and heard ringing in his ears. Sometimes he couldn’t sleep, and he’d stopped masturbating so often because he couldn’t maintain an erection. When he did get hard, his orgasm brought more pain than pleasure.
“Without knowing it, Marie diagnosed my problem,” Vic explains. “I was 37 years old and sexually exhausted. It explained all my symptoms.”
Convinced an herbal remedy would be healthier than prescription medication, Vic ordered ViaPal-hGH-O, a formula intended to restore the body’s natural balance. (TRY: ViaPal-hGH-O for Erectile Pain Relief) Blended with complex herbs, amino acids and minerals, ViaPal-hGH-O repairs damaged penile nerves, improves circulation to the penis and nourishes penile tissues.
“This formula was everything I needed,” Vic says. “It addressed each of my symptoms and gave me back my energy. After a few weeks, my erections were bigger than ever. My orgasms blew my mind, and the back pain and ear ringing disappeared completely.”
With his confidence and sexual abilities intact, Vic asked Marie for a second chance. “I’m now married to a French woman,” he says with a smile. “She says I satisfy her every need in bed. I’m sure I have ViaPal-hGH-O to thank for that."
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Views: 254

Ideas: Men's,Over Masturbation,chronic fatigue

GuideID: 58982

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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