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Boosting Low Testosterone Levels Through Zinc
Having low testosterone can affect your body. Decreased levels, no matter the cause, can reduce your sex drive, cause mood swings, and make it difficult to develop an erection. 
Some cases of low testosterone are linked to disease, genetic disorders, injury or the process of aging. Check out Herbs For Male Low Sex Drive to find out how testosterone production can be altered by your diet.
Regarded as a vital trace mineral, zinc is found in a bevy of food groups, from veggies and meats to fruits and dairy products. Because zinc naturally boosts testosterone production, it’s vital to take foods rich in zinc.
Here are five foods with beneficial levels of zinc:
Beef – Chuck Roast
Chuck roast contains seven milligrams of zinc per three ounce serving. Chuck roast is a tougher cut of beef, so it's usually used in a pot roast or stew. As chuck roast is fatty, it's important to maintain your intake to once or twice a week to avoid weight gain.
Crab and Lobster
It might be one of the more expensive options, but crab contains 6.5 milligrams of zinc per three ounce serving, while lobster provides 3.4 milligrams per three ounces. When it comes to boosting testosterone, consuming crab or lobster makes for a tasty method.
Organic Fruits and Vegetables
Pesticides on fruits and vegetables impact our health. When possible, stick to organic produce. Cruciferous vegetables are your best choices for vegetables because they contain fiber and help your body reduce estrogen levels. Good choices are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. Alternatives include avocados, berries and pomegranates.
Put oysters at the top of your list of foods with high zinc levels. They have a long-standing reputation as being an aphrodisiac, but they are also one of the easiest ways to increase zinc intake. Just three ounces of fried oysters contain 74 milligrams of zinc.
Yogurt is also high in zinc. If you're not fond of yogurt, blend it with a selection of fruits and make smoothies that you can quickly drink. If the fruit smoothie needs sweetening, use honey, which according to professionals, the boron found in the nectar can boost testosterone levels.

Low Sex Drive - Caused by Low Testosterone  offers additional methods for restoring low testosterone levels. Diet is an essential first step, but it never hurts to partner diet with other tips.

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Ideas: Men's,Low Sex Drive,low testosterone

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