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Natural Cures For Male Low Libido

Most doctors would tell you that sexual desires begin in your mind, as unintentional thoughts or drives that overtake you. Your body’s physiological reactions soon follow, in such forms as hormone surges and growing sensitivity of the genitalia. A key to the ignition that sparks the sex drive is mood. Many herbs are known to inspire the perfect state of mind for love. Many popular tonic herbs create the right climate, building the potential to influence your feeling and mood rather than changing your brain or body chemistry.

Here are ways to improve or boost your mood for sexual engagement:

Arousal Through Smell - Aromatherapy
Many essential oils evoke your sexual responses and relax you at the same time. Aromatic herbs are used in different applications such as candles, bath salts, essential oils, spray, or incense. Find out why a heightened aromatic sense can be more appealing. After all, some men have reported that the odor of a cinnamon bun being baked can evoke the feeling of sexuality. Meanwhile, the scents of Eucalyptus and Spearmint are relaxing and can reduce stress. Many couples often enjoy sandalwood, vanilla, patchouli, lavender, jasmine, cinnamon, cardamom, and basil. The list of herbs with aromas that can create desire for sex is endless. Be creative and experiment with different scents that appeal to you and your loved one.

Relax with Hot Baths
Sharing a romantic herbal bath is a great way to initiate a romantic mood. You can combine and soak various fresh or dried aromatic herbs in a cheesecloth bag or tea infuser inside your warm bath. Herbs typically used for romantic baths are: eucalyptus, hops, oats, parsley, St. John’s wort, lavender, chamomile, cinnamon, comfrey, aloe vera, and basil. During your bath, be sure to rub your partners back to increase intimacy.

Personal Care Products
Herbs can help you be more appealing in many ways, such as deodorizing your body with a sweet aroma, giving you a smooth-textured skin, and providing you with more energy. Many popular herbs such as tea tree oils, papaya, parsley, sage, myrrh, olive, mugwort, lemon, green teas, basil, anise, aloe, almond, and calendula are often added to various hygiene products. Be sure to experiment with such organic herb-enriched products as deodorants, lotions, soap, shampoo, breath fresheners, and body oils

Natural Testosterone Boosters
You can boost your testosterone with herbs, too. Catuaba, Cistanche, Maca, Cnidium Monnieri, Epimedium, Tribulus, and Yohimbe can quickly directly or indirectly increase testosterone or at least prevent testosterone from breaking apart. Body builders and athletes use many of these herbs for the stamina and endurance support they provide. Yohimbe is from an African tree bark and is known to pump blood into the genital area relatively fast, and is not suitable for people with cardiovascular diseases. However, it is very safe to take most herbs on a regular basis.

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Views: 405

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, low testosterone

GuideID: 62429

Guide Type: Solutions

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