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An Absence of Climax - The Unfortunate Curse of Male Orgasmic Disorder

Sex drive and urges fade as men age, the absence of which sometimes creates detrimental psychological effects in the form of depression and anxiety. Those who have enjoyed a lifetime of fruitful sexual activity often find they cannot abide these changes. Low sex drives and diminished desires influence men both psychologically and physically. It is always an additionally profound disturbance when the usually healthy male finds that he is unable to achieve an orgasm during his fewer occasions of sex play. It soon becomes obvious that what he is a victim of Male Orgasmic Disorder (MOD).
Male Orgasmic Disorder may be defined as the difficulty or inability of a male to achieve orgasm during intercourse, regardless of how long he engages in it. A prolonged delay or absence of orgasm can be frustrating and uncomfortable, particularly when faced with the vulnerability of a partner who may believe they are somehow responsible.
In some cases, the cause is purely psychological. In these instances, it may be professional psychiatric help that’s needed. Factors such as aging, sexual exhaustion, and chronic problems like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity may all contribute to MOD. For younger adults, the condition is often caused by sexual exhaustion due to excessive masturbation or ejaculation. In the majority of MOD cases, however, a low level of sex hormones such as testosterone is primarily responsible.
Testosterone levels can be restored naturally through a proper healthy diet that includes certain potent medicinal herbs. Eventually, through such treatments, the problem of orgasmic disorder may be conquered. Remedies such as the Orgasm Disorder Herbal Remedy For Men focuses on helping men who suffer from an inability to reach orgasm by delivering energy, blood flow, and nutrients to the lower abdomen and groin area and is very popular among men who have renewed their sexual vigor.

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Views: 241

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, low testosterone

GuideID: 62181

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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