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The Skinny on Men's Low Libido - an Abundance of Belly Fat
Most men know that being overweight can cause high blood pressure, diabetes and clogged arteries, but it likely never dawns on them that their bulging bellies may be killing their libidos
Research has shown a link between abdominal obesity and lowered sex drive because of the decreases in testosterone. 
According to studies, fat tissues contain an enzyme called Aromatase, which converts testosterone into the sex hormone Estradiol. Estradiol, which functions in a similar fashion to estrogen, can cause a reduction of testosterone. When this reduction happens, men lose their stable production of testosterone. In addition, older men suffer from higher Aromatase levels  because of their decreased metabolism.
Regaining Sexual Prowess
Though research clearly shows a link between lower testosterone levels and men's health, many physicians fail to suggest to overweight men that their levels be checked. It's up to patients to try to educate themselves about these issues and try to boost their hormone levels.
Taking a combination of herbal supplements can improve their sex drives. Herbal remedies can increase testosterone levels, improve sexual stamina and raise nitric oxide production, which boosts stimulation and assists with erectile strength.

Libido Improving Herbs
Chinese medicine shows specific herbs can improve libido by refurbishing and stimulating a man’s hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, a communication network among the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. The HPA axis serves a major role in the neuroendocrine system, which controls and regulates the body's reactions to mood, stress and sex. 

Herbs such as Curculigo, Cnidium, Cuscuta, Cynomorium, and Morinda can improve a man’s libido. Curculigo, for instance, can help with erectile strength, while Cnidium can raise sexual stamina and stimulation. Cuscuta can improve the production of Nitric Oxide synthease, which produces a harder erection. Cynomorium can increase testosterone, sperm production and growth factors, and Morinda can help with adrenal fatigue while boosting a man's sexual stamina.

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Ideas: Men's,Low Sex Drive,low testosterone

GuideID: 58640

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