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📍Universal Studios Hollywood Mario Park

👉About the Park:
Our top recommendation is MarioKart, and you should head straight to the single rider line! Pay attention! Single rider is the key! When you enter the park, you will see a long line of people waiting in groups. Don't worry about them! Walk to the very front of their line and take the path for single riders. Within half an hour of entering the park, we had already ridden this attraction twice. If you want to join a group, you will need to wait for at least an hour and a half.

After playing MarioKart, you will have completed the project that normally takes up the most time. Then it's time for the wristbands to make an appearance. If you want to play the big boss level (which I highly recommend, as it is worth playing within the Mario park), you will need to obtain three keys.

But where can you get the three keys? There are four small games in the park, and you need to complete three of them to obtain the keys. Use the wristband to accumulate the keys.

🔥About the wristband vehicle:
After obtaining the wristband, download the Universal Studios app and scan the QR code on the back of the wristband. All games can earn points or obtain keys by scanning the wristband. After clearing the small games, the upper right corner of the app screen will show how many keys have been activated. Once you collect three keys, you can go and play the boss!

There are also many stone blocks throughout the park that resemble video games. Use the wristband to hit the blocks and earn points!

About the Four Small Games🔍

❌The least recommended project:
Alarm Clock ⏰:
The small game at the entrance of the park on the left is an alarm clock game. It takes nearly an hour and a half to wait in the queue, and the probability of winning is the lowest of the four games... Four people need to work together to extinguish all the lights within a certain time frame. If you are interested in this game, you can try it, but I do not recommend wasting time on this project just to get a key.

⭕️The following are recommended projects:
⭕️Bucket Shake:
Difficulty: 🌟
Queue time: 40-50min
Just shake the bucket, that's all you need to do~ Everyone I saw who shook the bucket as we waited in line succeeded.

Difficulty: 🌟🌟
Queue time: 30-40min
The key to this game is to hit the mechanism when you see the turtle about to enter the hole. It is almost always successful (around 1 second?). You can try it while waiting in line.

⭕️Hit the Glass:
Queue time: 10-20min
Within the limited time, hit all the blue blocks and turn them all yellow to succeed. It seems that three people is the easiest number to complete, but two people can also divide the work. One person may be a little flustered, but the staff will also help.

🔍Note: One key corresponds to one small game. Even if you play it again, you will only get one key!

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Views: 862

Ideas: Universal Studios, Universal Studios Mario, Rent Universal Studios Wand Magic Robe, theme park, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Life, Los Angeles Guide, American West Travel, California, Los Angeles Travel, usitrip, Where to go on the weekend, Games daily

GuideID: 51130

Guide Type: Discover

Location: United States / California / Los Angeles

Channels: Fun Places, Toys, Games, PreSchool 3-5yr

[Comments -]
11/19/2023 5:44:00 PM
Thanx Alex,yes its the shrinkage and erectile dysfunction that I think it was caused by the marijuana which I ddnt know until I read this see I used to abuse both marijuana and alcohol and whn I noticed the shrinkage and the e.d I went for medical circumsision without any research.after the procedure I could swear it went back to normal in terms of lenght and erection,but then I went back to my old ways believing I was cured only to be suprised by the reoccurance of the same problem.I can proudly say I have since quit both alcohol and weed in few months
11/19/2023 5:44:00 PM
I would realy like to go the herbal way after I've used marijuana for a long time.I've taken time to read thiis site now what I need is the products to help me enlarge starting from detoxifyng.names of the products and where to get them please
Adele Y
11/19/2023 5:44:00 PM
Dig a little better and you will find your answers. Herbs become one of the greatest things for my partner and I. We have experienced great results from all of this.

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