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Infertilidad masculina
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Natural Remedies For Alcohol Impotence

When alcohol starts hurting your erection quality...

You had a long day at work. To unwind, you have a glass of wine. Your once-a-week ritual has turned into a three-day-a-week experience. One glass becomes two glasses, and two glasses becomes four. What starts off as a small habit, turns into a much bigger problem.
Most alcohol abuse problems start small. The more persistent problems impede the body from properly absorbing nutrients and essential vitamins. Continuous alcohol intake also results in delirum, cardiac arrhythmias and liver cirrhosis that make a body detox difficult.
Excessive alcohol consumption can cause weak erections and leave men unable to maintain an erection during sex due to Alcohol Impotence.

Metabolites and waste buildup from excessive alcohol consumption block or impair neurotransmitter action by a process called hyperpolarization that occurs in the synapses. Hyperpolarization allows chloride and potassium to escape from neurons, which affects nitric oxide production and results in weak and unsustainable erections during intercourse.

What It Is Formulated To Do:
  • Restore and repair damaged erectile tissues caused by alcohol intoxication
  • Eliminate toxins through bile or urine
  • Improve quality of erections
  • Help emulsify fats that aid the pancreas with digestion
  • Play a critical role in protecting the liver from congestion and inflammatory responses
  • Create an ideal environment for the small intestines
Detoxify Your Body

Milk Thristle, Bupleurum Chinense, Tumeric, Fo Ti and Panax Ginseng make up a potent herbal blend that enhances both the production of bile and liver detoxification processes. Recent research has found that Chinese liver-cleansing and nourishing herbs, such as Bupleurum, contain a powerful compound known as saikosaponins that stimulate the liver to heal itself during severe conditions of ballooning degeneration, necrosis, hepatitis and portal triaditis.[1]

Cnidium and Tongkat Ali in the herbal blend can increase and restore nitric oxide production back to normal. Once nitric oxide production and the penile tissue blood circulation return to normal, erection quality will improve. Younger adults can quickly restore their morning erections in as little as one week by taking the herbal blend.

Diet Improvement

Keeping your blood sugar level steady can help fight alcohol impotence as well. By eating complex carbohydrates, such as in fresh vegetables, while avoiding simple carbohydrates, e.g., crackers, white bread, potato chips, men can see significant improvements in their erectile capacities. Complex carbs include nutrients essential to the body while simple carbs lack nutritional value. Maintaining healthy levels of blood sugar can restore production of bile to repair liver damage.

^1 Wang BJ, Liu CT, Tseng CY, Wu CP, Yu ZR., Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Bupleurum kaoi Liu (Chao et Chuang) extract and its fractions fractionated using supercritical CO(2) on CCl(4)-induced liver damage., Food Chem Toxicol. 2004 Apr;42(4):609-17.

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