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Candy Kid: How MDMA is Ruining His Relationship

A young man who uses MDMA regularly has been experiencing erectile dysfunction with his girlfriend. Can he continue using the drug, but get rid of his embarrassing problem? What’s causing the issue anyway?
Case #: 1912

Hi, I’m 26-years-old and I’ve been having some problems with my erections. I think it might be related to taking MDMA. I take it about 2-3 times per month, but lately I’ve had issues getting and staying hard when I want to have sex. My girlfriend has noticed it, but I’ve told her it’s not her, it’s something else. Please help me figure out what the problem is; it’s embarrassing!

Your erection problems are definitely the result of your MDMA usage. The reason for this is how MDMA interacts with your body and brain. The drug increases the production of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Your sexual experience itself will certainly be lacking without dopamine. Dopamine acts as the precursor to a reward. Without it, sex is just an act without pleasure. Imagine that!
Cut Your Losses

Serotonin acts as a vasoconstrictor, and studies suggest that it can prevent enough blood from getting to the genital region for proper sexual response. You need excellent blood flow in order to have a proper erection; otherwise you’re left with a semi-hard penis, or sometimes nothing at all. Cutting off this valuable supply is a big reason for why you’re left without your normal erection ability.
Stress Test

Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that cues for stress. When we’re under stress, our blood vessels clench shut. Thus, you’re currently operating at about one-third of the blood you’d normally need to have a proper erection.
We also need minute levels of norepinephrine for a variety of reasons, one of those reasons being orgasm. However, chronically high levels of norepinephrine drain the adrenal glands, leaving them unable to produce the other sex hormones a man needs—such as testosterone. This impedes arousal, libido, and proper sex function. Washing your brain in norepinephrine every few weeks surely isn’t doing anything to help your erectile dysfunction.
Dare to Be Drug Free

So what’s left for you to do? Well, if I were you, I would cut way back on my drug usage. Your body needs time to process and recover from the extended overprocessing and consequent depletion of these neurotransmitters. The more your body returns to its normal systems, the more normally your penis will function. It’s normal for penises to grow hard during arousal, and to be able to maintain turgidity during intercourse. It’s the MDMA that’s impeding this process.
Cock Blocker

If cutting the drugs isn’t an option, an interim salvation—while you decide whether you want to continue your life with a sexual handicap—is to use a cock ring. Cock rings trap blood inside the penis, giving you your normal hardness and ability to have sex. However, it’s not a true solution, as your body still isn’t functioning properly. Cock rings simply serve as a means to an end, and that end is sex.
That being said, cock rings are incredibly helpful for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, and it can be fun for both partners to experiment with size, shape, and color. (TRY: Cock Rings for Erection Support) Many cock rings are designed with a woman’s pleasure in mind, so I’m sure your girlfriend will appreciate the new development as well! Be safe, and enjoy yourselves!

What to do

Cock Ring Guide For Unsustainable Erection Ruined By Drugs

According to, 23 million Americans ages 12 and older reported trying an illicit drug, from gateway drugs, like marijua

[More Details +]

Views: 171

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 60332

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