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Natural Hot Flashes Relief Solution

Health care experts believe Black Cohosh contains natural phyto-compounds that can effectively mimic estrogen in the human body. More current research has placed Black Cohosh among the healing herbs that contain ingredients that influence the serotonin receptors in the hypothalamus, producing hormones to regulate body temperature and providing relief from hot flashes. [1]

Dong Quai & Friends
Because Dong Quai & Dioscorea help influence serotonin, a hormone produced by the body to elevate mood, the herb can help menopausal women impede mood swings and reduce irritability.

Dong Qui, known to help modulate and soothe steep hormonal fluctuations, remains known as the "female ginseng" - because it does not directly function as an estrogen hormone booster. Instead,  Dong Quai reacts with other potent herbs such as Cornus (Dogwood), Dioscorea, Mexican Wild Yam, Paeonia Suffruticosa, and Pueraria Mirifica in synergy to fine-tune female hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, and FSH.

TCM Formulation
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, these adaptogenic herbs enhance bioenergy channels in menopausal women who suffer from multiple menopausal symptoms. In the past, when herbs were scarce in poor villages, women would consume Dong Quai and Dioscorea while massaging several acupuncture points in their bodies to relieve hot flashes and night sweats.

Some pundits believe it is the constant consumption of herbs that explains why Asian women are able to outlive men.

  1. ^Joanna E. Burdette, Jianghua Liu, Shao-nong Chen, Daniel S. Fabricant, Colleen E. Piersen, Eric L. Barker, John M. Pezzuto, Andrew Mesecar, Richard B. van Breemen, Norman R. Farnsworth, and Judy L. Bolton., Black Cohosh Acts as a Mixed Competitive Ligand and Partial Agonist of the Serotonin Receptor., J. Agric. Food Chem., 2003, 51 (19), pp 5661–5670.
[More Details +]

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