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Douching For Vaginal Hygiene

In French, the word "douche" means to wash or soak. Douching offers a means to cleanse the vagina of bacteria by using water, vinegar, baking soda, iodine, or herbal disinfectants. In different regions of the world, women will add various antiseptics and fragrances. Commercialized douching preparation has made it convenient for women to implement the hygienic practice. A douche comes pre-packaged in a bottle or bag. The liquid is then sprayed upward into the vagina through a tube.
Douching is common among women, and it's estimated that up to 40 percent of American women douche regularly. Typical reasons to douche include:
  • Cleaning the vagina
  • Eliminating vaginal odor
  • Rinsing away blood after monthly periods
  • Preventing pregnancy
  • Avoiding sexually transmitted diseases
Douching for Cleanliness
Some women feel douching is unnecessary; others believe it makes them feel cleaner, and some believe it upsets the delicate balance of vaginal flora that can elevate the risk of vaginal infection. Some pundits believe excessive douching can push the infection-causing bacteria up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. While other women suggest that douching during the six months before pregnancy can reduce the risk of pre-term delivery. However, some douching advocates say that performing the practice during pregnancy can actually increase the risk of pre-term delivery.
Douching After Sex
Some women believe douching immediately after sex provides more protection against un-wanted pregnancy; others insist that the practice can actually pressure sperm into the uterus and increase risk for conception. However, none of these claims have been substantiated. Just as brushing your teeth every day won’t guarantee that you’ll be free of cavities, the outcome of douching to birth control is not 100% guaranteed.
Douching with Herbs
Douching with an antiseptic herb infusion can help relieve irritation and symptoms associated with vaginal infections. Beneficial antiseptic herbs include Calendula, Garlic, Goldenseal, Fresh Plantain, St. John's Wort, Lady's Mantle, and Tea Tree Oil.

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