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Persistent Erection Relief Tincture

You would think that a man would like to be hard all the time. Sure, he’d like to be, but it just isn’t practical. Nor is it socially acceptable. Imagine going to work everyday struggling to suppress your erection. Imagine the embarrassment and even the offense it can cause.

It may sound funny, but it isn’t for the thousands of men who cannot control their contstant erection. It’s not their fault. Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS) can arise from a cyst, fibroid, tumor or cancer outgrowth or any inflammation in the prostate, penis, seminal vesicles, and urethra. An excess of prostaglandin E2 can directly stimulate these areas making them hypersensitive to sexual arousal and create a more readily and aggressive response to sex hormones.

When the pituitary gland fails to release sufficient prolactin (a necessary regulator), there is no way for a man to suppress sexual arousal and orgasm urgency.
So, you see why it was necessary to develop a remedy. This is a complex assembly of particular herbs that, when used together, allow a man to greater control his erectile tendencies. For instance, Savia Miltiorrhiza is an extremely potent herb used in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. White Peony, meanwhile, also treats cardiovascular activities as well as serves immune and central nervous system functions. Creating this remedy was a painstaking process that took years to develop. Ultimately, the perfect herbal blend was concocted that produced the perfect results. The synergy produced by the combined individual effects of each herb – like Achyranthes Root, which is known for its flourishing impact on the lower half of the body – allows a man to be free and clear PGAS affliction.

You Will Need

 Herbal Blend

25 grams of Savia miltiorrhiza (Dan Shen)
25 grams of Rehmannia Glutinosa (Sheng Di Huang)
20 grams of Paeonia Lactiflora (Bai Shao)
20 grams of Achyranthes Bidentata (Niu Xi)
20 grams of Bupleurum (Chai Hu)
20 grams of Ligusticum (Chuan Xiong)
20 grams of Semenpersicae (Tao Ren Zhi)
20 grams of Safflower (Hong Hua)
15 grams of Aurantium (Zhi Ke)
15 grams of Corydalis (Yan Hu Suo)

One of the oldest medicinal practices is the formulation of a “tincture”, an extraction of active compounds from plant material using alcohol as solvent.  The active ingredients in herbs are best and most easily extracted by alcohol. A primary purpose of the extraction is to isolate and secure various anti-oxidant compounds known as “flavonoids” that are beneficial to human health. Once prepared, it is best to store your tincture in a airtight dark glass container and keep it at or below room temperature


  1. Pour the herbal blend into the jar, up to between a quarter to half of its capacity (20 oz)
  2. Add Vodka, Rum or Brandy just above the level of herbs.
  3. Seal the jar (tightly, to prevent leakage or evaporation)
  4. Store the jar in a dry and dark area.
  5. Add more alcohol over the next few days, as the dried herbs soak and expand.
  6. Store the jar up to two weeks to three months

Peady to Drink

  1. Strain the tincture through a sieve with cheesecloth into another clean jar or storage container.
  2. Extract the remaining tincture by squeezing the saturated herbs and transfer it into a dropper bottle. Refrigerate it.
  3. Drink two teaspoons right after lunch and dinner. If you can’t stand the taste, dilute it with water, juice, or tea.


Most herbal tinctures are prepared using alcohol as a solvent. But if you can’t consume alcohol use Apple Cider Vinegar or Wine Vinegar instead. It is recommended to store them in the refrigerator, but be sure to label the jars clearly in order to prevent other family members from inadvertently drinking your tincture. Avoid using plastic containers at all costs. The ethanol in the tincture may solubilize some of the free vinyl substances in the plastic and some PBA might leak out. Never use stainless steel containers for long-term storage.

If the tiny fragments of residue passing through the cheesecloth concern you, filter them twice through a paper coffee filter.

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观看次数: 76


笔记编号: 63660

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