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Os Draconis Makes You Last Longer

Most men would be surprised to hear that even adult film stars prematurely ejaculate. So for those not having sex with dozens of famous adult stars every month, an occasional premature ejaculation is normal. Premature ejaculations becomes a problem when more than 75% of sexual encounters result in a premature ejaculation.

Most men too remain unaware of the multitude of factors that result in P.E. Stress, environmental changes, fatigue, anxiety, mood and even due to weakened ejaculatory valve that cannot impede an ejaculation. Men who ejaculate much too soon can find solace in all-natural herbs that can impede the embarrassment that follows from an early explosion.

Os Draconis Benefits

Men who suffer from constant P.E. problems can calm the hyper-sensitized parasympathetic nerve and ejaculation reflex arc by taking Os draconis (aka: Long Gu). Rich in calcium ion complexes, Os draconis improves nerve endings damaged. Other known benefits of Os draconis include:

  • Prevents the leakage of fluids
  • Calms the mind during emotional distress, i.e., sex
  • Reduces anxiety attacks, which too can cause P.E. problems
  • Minimizes irritability

But if your premature ejaculation problem is severe, you have to take more powerful herbal formula containing Os Draconis:

Calm Pills - Hyperactively Aroused Premature Ejaculation

Jin Suo Gu Jing Wang - Stop Wet Dream & Excessive Precum

Natural Solution - Rapid Ejaculation with Thyroid Hormone Disorder

Do not let your relationships continue to become ruined by P.E. Gain control with Os draconis, today!

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63627

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