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Oral Mints: A Cure for Awkward Smegma Smell

The average human nose can detect up to 50,000 scents. It remembers pungent smells from favored scents, and everything from broccoli to flavored vanilla, the nose keeps a record of. But for every pleasant smell the nose detects, it wishes it can forget the foul ones. One of the worst smells the human nose never forgets— Smegma. Smegma, known also as penile cheese, is the accumulation of dead skin cells, oils and moisture that gather underneath the foreskin. For men, the smell can be a cross between rotting fish and stale cheese. And even after the penis is cleaned, the scent tends to linger on the skin. If you’re hoping for a bit of oral (or if your partner is looking to pleasure you), Smegmacan stop your lover well before reaching your penis.

Smegma: An Oral Sex Deterrent

Skip one day of cleaning beneath the foreskin and you risk piling on a foul, fishy smell. Why? Each day the penile gland, like the rest of the skin, sheds to provide new, healthy skin cells to protect the body against infection. Meanwhile, each trip to the bathroom traps a bit of urine underneath the skin and against the boxers, furthering the foulness of the stench. Add in sweat and moisture, and men create a foul concoction that rivals burnt hair or skunk pheromones.

Men who clean daily can reduce their chances of smegma, but even with a soap and water, females and males can still dislike giving oral. Why? Oral sex, like sex itself, tends to just happen. Sure, sometimes the event is planned, but most of the time, it occurs at random. Chances are high that you didn’t just hop out of the shower or wash your penis with a bit of soap. Most men get oral and find their hygiene unfit. Thanks to oral mints, men don’t need to worry about tasting funny.

Oral Mints: A Oral Cure for Foul Smells

Whether your penis smells foul or not, it may not taste as well as you’d hope. Thanks to oral mints, men don’t need to worry about their penises giving off a foul taste. Oral mints can

  • Improve the taste and smell of a penis
  • Keep women and men from gagging
  • Increase the level of satisfaction
  • Add flavor to oral sex

If you fear any foul smell resonating from your penis, oral mints can quell any doubts regarding your hygiene. With one or two mints, your partner can kiss, suck and enjoy the smell and taste of your penis. 

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Views: 116

Ideas: Men's, Sexual Wellbeing, Women's, Sexual Wellness

Blog ID: 63596

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