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Never-Lasting Love – How to Reverse Premature Ejaculation

Penis exercises and excess masturbation can make for one devastating cocktail (pun intended). Find out how the combination of tissue damage and hormone imbalance can spell disaster for your sex life.

Case #: 1169


Hi I was looking over the website and I think I can find the information to end my woes of premature ejaculation. Well to start I was an over-masturbator for years frequently twice a day till about a year ago, I did the penis strengthening exercises for a while before I came across the website and I have stopped, but I notice now that when I think sexual thoughts my penis almost "jumps" what I would call similar to what is the ejaculatory reflex.

I noticed when I lost my virginity (that relationship ended) that I had premature ejaculation and I only lasted near 10 seconds. Now I am in a relationship were I am rightfully waiting until marriage to have sexual intercourse as God commands and reading the website has really put faith into me that you could be the answer to my prayers!


You'll need to be extremely careful on your wedding night. If you're abstinent and suffering from premature ejaculation, you might just explode like a high-pressure fire hose as soon as that wedding dress comes off. But truth be told, nothing will ruin your wedding night quite like premature ejaculation (except maybe an overbearing mother in law), so we definitely want to get this problem under control. As you guessed, penis exercises and over-masturbation can definitely contribute to the problem, but all hope is not lost. Since you've given up the stretches and compulsive self-love, you're already halfway there. We just need to repair some of the damage that's already been done.

Excess Masturbation – The Ultimate Temptation

Over-masturbation is a tough habit to kick. If you want to give up alcohol, you just stay away from bars and liquor stores. But if you want to overcome the compulsive urge to masturbate, you practically need to give up computers, smart phones, televisions, newsstands, beaches, photography exhibits and even certain restaurants. Might as well just build a cabin in the woods and live off the land. But excess masturbation can be a truly devastating scourge. It depletes your body of important hormones like testosterone and DHEA, while causing a surge of inflammatory hormones like DHT. DHT inflames the prostate, disrupting the ejaculatory valve and contributing to premature ejaculation (among a wealth of other problems).

Penis Strengthening Exercises – Equally Foolish

As if the hormonal imbalance wasn't bad enough, all of those penis exercises cause severe nerve and tissue damage. Your parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for maintaining healthy erections and stable ejaculations, so once those nerves start to go, the party's over. So just to recap, we have a triple threat of hormone depletion, nerve damage and tissue damage. It's like you decided to break your computer by first infecting it with a virus and then dropping it out a three-story window. What we need now is a solution.

Where There's a Will...

With the right combination of herbs, you can address every one of the issues that has contributed to your symptoms. For instance, Herba Cistanchis, Avena Sativa and Dong-Quai are known to restore damaged nerves, while herbs like Avena Sativa, Tribulus and Dong-Quai are extremely effective at replenishing the necessary hormones and neurotransmitters. Thankfully, there are a number of botanical remedies that contain all of these herbs and more. (SEE: ViaPal-hGH-C for Premature Ejaculation) Otherwise, the whole process would get very expensive, and you would be like an old lady sorting your pills at the beginning of every week. Frankly, you have enough to worry about right now, but with a healthy respect of your penis and a bit of herbal TLC, you're going to be okay.

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Views: 174

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 62100

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