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Alarming Black Discharge is a Side Effect of Taking the Pill

She’s had her share of vaginal discharge and is now dealing with that of an alarming black color. She takes birth control but has no idea.

Case #: 887


I’ve seen almost every color in the discharge exuded by my genitals. I’ve seen brown discharge. I’ve seen slightly yellow discharge, which came with the most acrid stench ever. I’ve even seen greenish discharge. But now, I’ve seen the worst of the worst – black discharge. I’m a bit confused as to why discharge continues to occur for a young, 22-year-old woman like myself. Could the discharge be the result of birth control or menstruation?


Vaginal discharge often alarms women because it goes against what is considered normal. Although it seems this organ should not exude secretions, the vagina’s sound health actually depends upon discharge. When clear, cloudy or even slightly yellow, excretions are good signs because they eliminate bacteria and regulate the vagina’s pH levels.

Discharge that varies from innocuous colors suggest something else is going on with the body. You mentioned you have experienced a range of discharges and now have that which is black. Any discharge that is green, gray or accompanied by a foul smell suggests infection and likely requires attention.

The black that you’re now seeing is a result of birth control. In addition to other factors like diet and menstrual cycle, the pill can affect the color and consistency of your discharge. Birth control introduces more hormones to the body that not only prevent pregnancy, but also change the vagina’s delicate environment.

What the Black Color Means

Black vaginal discharge is usually composed of old blood from your last period. For unexplained but harmless reasons, this blood occasionally stay in the uterus rather than being expelled during menstruation. It becomes oxidized and turns black, which explains the color you’re now seeing.

Dark discharge might also be tissue and lining from the uterus that, again, wasn’t expelled during your last period. The eventual release of this old blood and/or tissue helps to clean the vagina. As long as you don’t regularly experience this type of secretion, it is not symptomatic of a serious disease.

Linking Birth Control to Black Discharge

One of the most common side effects of birth control is spotting, also known as breakthrough bleeding. This usually accompanies low-dose contraceptives that contain little estrogen. Estrogen is responsible for creating a favorable environment in the uterus for a fertilized egg to grow. That environment consists of a thick lining of tissues and blood. When pregnancy does not occur, menstruation flushes out the lining.

Low levels of estrogen do not stimulate uterine thickening. The result is a thin, watery lining that leaves the body a little at a time instead of in a menstrual flow. Because birth control suppresses the body’s natural release of hormones and even causes an imbalance, uterine lining is likely to be thinner than normal. This therefore causes the spotting that results in black vaginal discharge.

Abnormal bleeding – so labeled because it occurs at a time other than your period – usually stops after you’ve consistently taken birth control for three to four months. However, some women experience spotting the entire time they take oral contraceptives. This is not a dangerous condition, but it can interfere with lifestyle and is often considered an annoyance.

Combat the Side Effects of Birth Control

Take control of your body by weighing your options with regard to birth control. You can speak to your doctor about this or even research alternatives to the pill. If you choose to continue with an oral contraceptive, make sure you take it at the same time every day to help your body adjust to the influx of hormones.

You can also get your body back to normal by taking a detoxification formula that will expel the unhealthy chemicals and toxins introduced by birth control. (SEE: Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula) Select herbs can stabilize hormones, improve liver functions and maintain a healthy environment for the vagina. Your discharge and fears will stop in no time so you can resume the lifestyle you want.

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Blog ID: 62056

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