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Masturbating Since The Age of 13, He Is Trying To Use a Milking Technique to Recover From a Shrunk Penis

He has taken responsibility for his own health and mastered his urges to masturbate. However, his penis seems to have shrunk. What's going on? And how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts, and find out!
Case #:1570

I've been masturbating since the age of 13. I have the same old story... mood swings, depression and then last year I found this website and I read that a lot of people had similar problems to mine. I have since decided that I needed to masturbate less and less. I have now even went a step further and stopped masturbating and ejaculating for a month now. I have been using milking techniques because my penis size has decreased. Can you do something to help me with my size?

There are a lot of reasons why masturbation has a bad reputation. Some of them are psychological: if you spend too much time indulging yourself that way, your social skills suffer and you can wind up feeling even more lonely and depressed. Others are medical, based on the demonstrably detrimental effects of masturbating too often. Since you have accepted responsibility for taking care of the psychological aspects, I'll help you figure out what's happening.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: A man in his mid 20s has masturbated since his early teens, and now he’s learning the bad reputation masturbation built for his penis. He wants to enlarge his penis, but he cannot because he refuses to give up masturbation. Find out how you can stun your enlargement efforts.
Your Solution: Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
Care and Feeding

An erection looks simple from the outside because all the delicate work and heavy lifting goes on behind the scenes. Or, more accurately, under the surface. Sexual stimulation triggers a neurological response, which in turn causes several biochemical and physiological processes. The most obvious such is forcing blood into the left and right corpus cavernosum, and the corpus spongiosum. All three of these organs are basically tube-like structures filled with very porous, spongy tissue. The cavernosa are what forms the bulk of your erection's structure, while the spongiosum forms a support around your urethra so it does not collapse under the pressure of your inflated cavernosa.
Every time you get an erection, whether or not you ejaculate, you develop a few tiny leaks in the blood vessels that nourish those spongy tissues. Under normal circumstances your body is perfectly capable of healing those leaks. However, “normal” in this context means that you are only ejaculating about once every two or three days, and that you are eating a healthy diet with plenty of zinc and B-vitamin nutrients (among others). Masturbating to orgasm multiple times in a single day, every day for months or years at a time will cause those leaks to add up. In addition, the half-finished repairs consist of a buildup of scar-tissue on the inside of those blood vessels, which prevents your penis from getting the full measure of blood it needs to achieve maximum size.
So now that we know what's wrong, let's investigate how to fix it.
Snake Medicine

You've already taken the most important step toward repairing the damage: not ejaculating for at least three solid weeks. Congratulations on that! The repair process has probably plugged most of the leaks in the blood-vessel-walls, and now you'll need to help dissolve that scar-tissue buildup.
Do your own research on foods rich in zinc and B-vitamins. Properly-prepared seafood, especially oysters, can provide good amounts of both nutrients. Alternately, toasted wheat-germ is a good zinc source if you prefer vegetables; likewise green leafy vegetables or lean meats for most B-vitamins. Feel free to experiment. Who knows, maybe you'll find some new favorite dishes.
A moderate exercise program can also help boost your natural testosterone levels. Testosterone assists with bone and muscle growth as well as fueling erections, so the benefits of having more available should be quite obvious. You'll also feel a boost to your physical stamina and self-confidence.
You should also consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement, designed specifically to address the problems that are hampering your erections. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Penis Tissue Growth & Restoration) It assists in breaking down scar-tissue buildup, as well as helping get your hormone levels back into proper balance.

Keep your health-care provider informed about which solution you are using, or what combination, so that you can get an experienced professional's opinion on your progress. Your particular health situation may require a few adjustments to the dosages or exercise regimen. Follow the instructions, especially in resisting the temptation to overdo it, and you should see the results you desire in a surprisingly short time. Good luck!

What to do

Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth

There are many ways to enhance and enlarge the size of the penis. Methods with relatively faster results also carry higher risks. With this formula, you can safely grow your penis without the added risks
Men's,Over Masturbation

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Views: 233

Ideas: Men, about masturbation

Blog ID: 59396

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