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Infertilidad masculina
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Lifestyle Changes Better Treatment for Prostatits

His excessive masturbation habits have ruined his ability to adequately gain an erection. Now, he fears Prostatits to be the culprit.

Case #: 29988


I have been masturbating since I was 15. I was intrigued and thrilled by how masturbation felt at first. Since then, I have been unable to control my urges. I must masturbate on average 4-5 times—a day! In the last few years though, I noticed a major problem, I cannot get an adequate erection any more. I did what any frighten man would do: I went to the doctor. I spoke to my physician and he said I had a common case of Prostatitis. He gave me medication and now the inflammation seems to have been reduced. Still, my problem persists—I cannot gain a rock-hard erection as before. What’s wrong with me?


Prostatitis is part of the problem; the parasympathetic nervous system is key factor behind it.

Prostatitis and heartburn are symptoms of a weak parasympathetic nervous functions in the urethral prostate area. Think of the parasympathetic nervous function as a filter that dedicates nutrients needed for digestion. When the parasympathetic nervous function cannot digest nutrients properly, hormone and neurotransmitter production see a dearth in production as well.

No Hormones, No Erection

The parasympathetic nervous function plays a vita role in providing the body with necessary nutrients for hormone and neurotransmitter production. Without these vital hormones or neurotransmitters, the body cannot produce a rock-hard erection that you desire.

Instead, the body produces less of each nuerochemical, resulting in weak, often unsustainable erections. Because you over-masturbate the body will lose even more of these depleted neurochemicals. The longer you engage in masturbation, the worse your condition will get.

Save Yourself Now!

Before it’s too late, you need to stop masturbating. You need to let your body heal itself. You also need to gain the necessary nutrients to stabilize the production of neurotransmitters and hormones.

The problem is that with a ruined parasympathetic nervous function, your body cannot digest the nutrients from food. Instead, you will need to gain the nutrients form other sources, i.e., all-natural supplements for recovery (SEE: Botanical Remedy For Weak Erection Restoration). These products come infused with high dosages of necessary nutrients that stabilize hormone and neurotransmitter production while increasing your erectile capacity.

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Views: 92


Blog ID: 61728

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