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But I Already Had My Period!

Woman is experiencing alarming discharge after her normal menstrual cycle. It has continued for the week past her period, and she wonders if it is related to beginning birth control. What is causing this painful continuation of discharge?

Case #: 1201


Two weeks ago I had my normal period: extremely painful the week before, as usual, and then the normal 7 days of bleeding. I thought I was done after that, but then I began to have reddish-brown (sometimes thick) discharge. It has been going on for over a week now—postmenstrual cycle. This is really beginning to worry me. I thought it might have been because of the new birth control I am on, but now I am not so sure. This discharge is also accompanied by cramps, just as though I am on my period. If it matters, yes, I have been sexually active, but not for three months, so I have basically ruled out pregnancy.


The good news is: there’s nothing really wrong with you, so you can stop stressing. The bad news is: this is your body’s reaction to your birth control, and while it might not be this way forever, until your hormones reach equilibrium, it’s going to continue.

Haywire Hormones

It seems to me that beginning birth control has knocked your estrogen levels out of whack—resulting in the continuous postmenstrual bleeding. Birth control normally contains two hormones: estrogen and progesterone (or a synthetic derivative of the latter), which work together to control your menstrual cycle—ripening the egg, stimulating ovulation, developing a healthy vaginal epithelium, and then flushing the system if fertilization does not take place. Hormonal birth control can upset the happy balance your body had, and cause it to respond in ways both worrisome and painful.

The Period for Your Period

Low progesterone levels are what signal to the body to begin expelling the vaginal lining. As soon as estrogen levels begin to climb at the end of your period, your body stops trying to expel the old lining, and starts building a new one. It’s the period at the end of your menstruation sentence. If estrogen levels don’t increase counter to progesterone, your body won’t register that your period should be ending; it will continue flushing out the uterus—the cause of your postmenstrual bleeding.

This issue is known as breakthrough bleeding—it can occur any time progesterone spikes in comparison to estrogen levels, and can be as intense as full cramping and bleeding, or as minor as light spotting. Normally, breakthrough bleeding as a result of birth control is resolved in the next few cycles after beginning the pill.

If Your Body Can’t Balance...

However, if your body is unable to normalize its hormonal levels, you will continue to experience issues with bleeding between periods, and possibly other low-estrogen related problems: low libido, low desire, and vaginal dryness. High progesterone levels also result in increased discharge during the time when you aren’t menstruating, as progesterone controls cervical mucus levels, and more mucus means more discharge.

Botanically Balanced

To combat these many issues, the simplest solution is to encourage your body to regulate its hormones. What I would suggest for this is to introduce phytoestrogens into your diet. Phytoestrogens have the ability to act as progesterone, estrogen, and even testosterone; their mutability allows the body to use them as it needs.

Women going through menopause use phytoestrogens to control hot flashes caused by low estrogen, whilst other menopausal women use them to increase estrogen levels for a healthy vagina. They can be found in a variety of foods, even some you might already eat, such as soy and legumes.

Finding Phytoestrogens

It can be a hassle, while on a busy schedule, to try to adjust your diet to include phytoestrogens. What I recommend for now is an herbal supplement that is designed to regulate hormonal imbalance through phytoestrogenic activity, while also detoxifying and aligning your entire reproductive system for better feminine health. (TRY: Natural Formula for Vaginal Restoration & Detoxification) I’m sure that beginning such a course will help your body to normalize hormone levels, effectively protecting you from a host of other issues that hormonal birth control has been known to cause. Start a supplement, don’t stress, and good luck with everything!

What to do

VRD Formula I - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Abnormal Discharge

Birth control pills and prescription drugs have a detrimental impact on a women’s sexual health. Herbs in this formula can reverse the damage caused by birth control medications, OTC drugs, and prescription drugs. Herbs and essential minerals such...

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Views: 100

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 61487

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