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Tightening Therapy

Woman wants a tighter vagina. What herbs should she use? How do they work?

Case #: 799


I was happily married for 10 years. 20 years later, I am happily divorced. And now with my new boyfriend, I found how beautiful love and romance could be once again. He loves me; and I, him. But as in all relationships, certain things could change to make our love perfect. He could pick up after himself more often, and sure, I could stop nagging as much. But those issues are petty flaws. The changes I want concern a more physical alteration, mostly with me.

I’m not after bigger boobs or a rounder, smackable booty. I want a tighter vagina. I want my boyfriend to feel as if he were with a 20-year-old girl. I hear certain techniques can help me, but I feel a bit hesitant about trying just a technique. What about natural products? Do you think these will work? And if so can you offer an explanation of how they work?


There are definitely some herbs that can help you with your problem. Women have been using certain plants for millennia to tone and to restore the vagina after birth; I think that by taking a supplement featuring one or more of these herbs, you will certainly notice a pleasant difference in your vaginal state. I do think it would be of most benefit to you to pursue both an herbal solution and a technique that strengthens the muscles. Just as you can’t solely rely on diet pills to help you lose weight, I believe that you must also work to gain strength in your vaginal walls. However, that is your own decision.

Plants to Tone

The effect of herbs on the vagina works in two ways. One way is to stimulate the vagina to tighten its walls, through blood vessel constriction or muscle tension. The second is to increase the levels of estrogen and phytoestrogen in the body, which result in a healthier, more toned vagina.

One herb that has seen wide use in its region of origin—Southeast Asia—is curcuma comosa. C. comosa is a member of the ginger family, and it is used to reduce postpartum bleeding, inflammation, and restore vaginal and uterine tone. It has also been used to treat issues related to menopause, such as dry vagina and hot flashes. It appears that c. comosa contains a mild estrogen compound, and in studies and in practice it has proved to thicken vaginal walls, prevent bladder and vaginal prolapse due to its strengthening attributes, and improve mucous membrane health. Not only that, but it also lowers cholesterol! Sounds like a win, win.

Another hardworking herb is pueraria mirifica, a type of tuberous root found in Thailand. P. mirifaca has a funny back story involving it being discovered by monks with ingredients for use written on a palm leaf. But science did find it to contain an estrogenic phenol, miroestrol, which explains its beneficial effects on female vaginal health. It reportedly tightens vaginal walls and improves breast growth, which are mammogenic effects related to its estrogen compound.

Plants to Tighten

A third plant with vaginal tightening properties is manjakani, also known as oak gall, which comes to us from Asia Minor and Persia. Females have used it for centuries after childbirth to promote vaginal and uterine healing and tightening. Its tightening abilities are related to it’s chemical compounds of tannin, and gallic and ellegic acids, which are astringent, anti-microbial and vasoconstrictors. It can be applied topically or taken internally, and is still in use today. Another plant with similar properties is hamamelis virginiana, and is a type of Witch Hazel found in America. Native American tribes used it to treat swelling, tumors, and inflammation. Like manjakani, it features tannins, and has the same effects as listed above, with the notable exception of also being able to diminish cancer cells.

Plants to Heal

Aloe, of which there are multiple species, can be used topically as a soothing regenerative. Some women have noticed a thickening action when used regularly, but even without such an effect, it is still useful as a calming, lubrication, and inflammation-reducing gel. I’d suggest making your own, as the aloe sold for sunburns usually contains preservatives and color additives.

Which Herb is Right?

If you want a preformulated solution that can help restore your vagina’s health, tightness, and strength, I’d suggest trying an all-natural formula. (TRY: Natural Formula for Vaginal Regeneration) It features extracts from a number of gynophilic plants, and will put you well on your way to a tighter vagina. Don’t forget what I said about practicing your Kegels, though!

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观看次数: 104


笔记编号: 61399

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