Penis Curvature - Caused by Weak & Poor Development
Weak and poor development of the spongy tissue in the penis is another cause for penis curvature. Many men are born with a congenital curvature. Usually congenital curvatures occur in the first four weeks after birth, and they often are corrected naturally. It's when the man continues to experience curvature while at puberty that the awkard direction becomes a problem.
Puberty & Curvature
Many males have a slightly curved penis experience during puberty. It is normal. The penis grows much faster during puberty due to the secretion of growth hormones and sex hormones like HGH and testosterone. You should not worry if the curvature is less than 15 degrees and is not interfering with intercourse. Be aware of the potential for any injury or trauma during rough intercourse or while experimenting with dangerous sex positions.
How Does It Happen?
The penis consists of spongy tissue called the corpora cavernosa. If the little openings in the spongy tissue on one side of the penis develop to a lesser degree than that on the other side then the lesser-developed side will have stronger blood circulation. This increased blood flow would force the penis head over the furthest point of leverage, causing a curved or banana shaped penis.
Resolve the Problem
If you suffer from curvature, you can find solutions to help correct the problem. For instance, the Jelqing Exercise corrects injury-induced sharp curvature. It is a simple exercise that involves “milking” (stretching & pulling) your penis for better blood circulation. It also works well for people that suffer from mild curvature problems.
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