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Peyronie's disease (Penis Curvature) - Causes, Symptoms, & Natural Herbal Treatments

Peyronie's Disease is characterized by an extreme curving of the erect penis caused by a hard, fibrous layer of scar tissue (plaque) that has developed under the skin. When the penis grows and hardens, the scar tissue pulls the affected area to an angle, causing an unnatural bend. The plaque that is formed by the thickened layers of penile soft tissue is non-cancerous, but this condition can be painful and make sexual intercourse quite difficult.

Signs & Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of Peyronie's disease may appear overnight or develop more slowly. These may include:

  • A bend or curve in your penis during erection
  • Painful erection
  • A thick band of hard tissue on one or more sides of your penis
  • Indentation, or an "hourglass-shaped" penis during erection
  • Impaired ability to obtain an erection (weak erection or impotence)
  • Shrinking or shortening of your penis
  • Premature ejaculation or poor orgasms

Causes & How To Fix It

There are a number of factors that can cause Peyronie's Disease. An injury to the penis caused by vigorous sexual intercourse or from an accident may cause small tears in the tissue and ruptured blood vessels that bleed internally. These ruptures cause the consolidations in the tissue that are responsible for growth stunts. Common causes of penis curvature are:

  • Hypertension Drugs
    Long-term use of beta-blocking drugs for the treatment of hypertension and atheroslerosis can lead to Peyronie's Disease.
    What to do: Eat healthier. Dissolve the plaque that built up in your penis through herbal remedy & exerecise.

Abnormal healing can result in the development of hard, thickened scar tissue under the skin of the penis.  With repetitive trauma, the plaque may develop tough fibrous tissue or calcium deposits and result in the perceived deformity.

Other Rare Causes 

Some people believe and have reported that wearing tight underwear and sleeping on their bellies are causes for the curvature they experience. Such claims have not been clinically proven to be valid. However, it could be possible that over a long period of time these factors may restrict, immobilize, and compress the penile tissues. Potentially, this could cause growth stunts and curving.

There are a number of other causes of Peyronie's Disease. It may be an autoimmune disorder, in which a man's immune system may respond abnormally, causing plaque to form on the penis.  Or it may also be caused by an inherited abnormality in the genes that regulate the growth of fibrous connective tissue proteins, or collagen.  It may even be the side effect of beta-blocker medications, such as drugs that treat blood pressure, heart problems, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and seizures.  Also, it is important to recognize the fact that many men are simply born with a naturally extreme penile curvature


Common treatments of Peyronie's Disease involve surgery and/or medication. Surgery is generally

effective in restoring normal erections, although each surgical method can cause unwelcome side effects, such as partial loss of erection (weak erection) or shortening of an erect penis (penis shrinkage). Doctors usually suggest surgery when patients experience the combination of a deformed penile appearance, pain during intercourse and at least a year of poor erection quality.

Common surgical methods include:

Skin grafting and flap surgery are among the common approaches to scar revision operations. A skin graft involves transplanting healthy skin from another part of the body onto the scarred area. Blood vessel formation in the scarred area would occur and take hold. Flap surgery is usually performed on an area that is missing the required blood vessels. Therefore a Flap surgical procedure involves transplanting skin along with blood vessels, fat, and muscle, if necessary.

  1. Nesbit Plication - tissue on the unaffected side of the penis is shortened in an effort to essentially ‘cancel out’ the bending effect. Adversely, this type of surgery can result in a curtailment of penis size. It is generally only used in men who have an adequate penis length and a curve of less than 45 degrees.
  2. Plaque Incision with Saphenous Vein Graft - Several linear cuts are made in the plaque to straighten the penis. The plaque is then covered with a grafted vein. This procedure is generally used in men who have a shorter penis, a curve of more than 45 degrees or an hourglass-shaped deformity.
  3. Penile Prosthesis Implantation - An implanted device is used to straighten and increase the rigidity of the penis. This type of surgery is for men who have trouble maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction).
  4. Penile Dermal Flap (developed by Dr. Krishnamurti). This procedure works for both circumcised and uncircumcised patients. Derma-braded penile dermis is raised on its vascular fascial pedicle and used to close the defect in the tunica albuginea consequent to the plaque incision. [1]
    These penile-straightening surgical procedures have a high rate of success. Few cases of postoperative residual curvature greater than 30 degrees were reported. Side effects of the surgical operations have included cyst development at the area of surgery and degradation of erectile function. [2]

Common surgical methods include:

Skin grafting and flap surgery are among the common approaches to scar revision operations. A skin graft involves transplanting healthy skin from another part of the body onto the scarred area. Blood vessel formation in the scarred area would occur and take hold. Flap surgery is usually performed on an area that is missing the required blood vessels. Therefore a Flap surgical procedure involves transplanting skin along with blood vessels, fat, and muscle, if necessary.

  1. Nesbit Plication - tissue on the unaffected side of the penis is shortened in an effort to essentially ‘cancel out’ the bending effect. Adversely, this type of surgery can result in a curtailment of penis size. It is generally only used in men who have an adequate penis length and a curve of less than 45 degrees.
  2. Plaque Incision with Saphenous Vein Graft - Several linear cuts are made in the plaque to straighten the penis. The plaque is then covered with a grafted vein. This procedure is generally used in men who have a shorter penis, a curve of more than 45 degrees or an hourglass-shaped deformity.
  3. Penile Prosthesis Implantation - An implanted device is used to straighten and increase the rigidity of the penis. This type of surgery is for men who have trouble maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction).
  4. Penile Dermal Flap (developed by Dr. Krishnamurti). This procedure works for both circumcised and uncircumcised patients. Derma-braded penile dermis is raised on its vascular fascial pedicle and used to close the defect in the tunica albuginea consequent to the plaque incision. [1]
    These penile-straightening surgical procedures have a high rate of success. Few cases of postoperative residual curvature greater than 30 degrees were reported. Side effects of the surgical operations have included cyst development at the area of surgery and degradation of erectile function. [2]

Oral Medication

If Peyronie's disease doesn't improve on its own, your doctor may suggest an oral medication. This type of

treatment is effective only for the first 12 to 18 months while the troublesome plaque is still forming:

  1. Colchicine - medication that inhibits collagen growth and may improve the symptoms of Peyronie's disease. However, common unpleasant side effects include digestive problems and diarrhea.
  2. Potassium aminobenzoate (Potaba) - Taken orally, this prescription medication may effectively treat Peyronie's disease, but more research is needed. It is expensive, requires a dose of up to 24 tablets daily, and can cause digestive problems.
  3. Intralesional injections - Your doctor can inject drugs such as Collagenase, Verapamil (a calcium channel blocker), or interferons directly into the plaque of your penis to break down scar tissue and restore normal tissue-building processes. You'll receive multiple injections over a period of months. Success of intralesional injections varies, and more studies are needed to determine the most effective treatments.

Natural Solutions

Dietary supplements in the form of organic, healthy herbs are proven effective in the recovery and natural healing of the penile curve disorder. Gotu Kola is an Indian herb used for healing skin and connective tissue.  L-carnitine is an amino acid shown to reduce penis curvature. Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) heals abnormal fibrous tissue. Vitamin E improves Peyronie's Disease when taken orally. Ashwagandha and schizandra ensure potency. Damiana is good for improving blood flow to the genitalia. Sarsaparilla contains a testosterone-like substance for men. Wild yam has natural steroids that rejuvenate and encourage vigorous lovemaking. Yohimbe bark expands the blood vessels in the penis and increases blood flow and nitrous oxide production, both important for achieving an erection.


There are no known firm measures that can be taken to prevent Peyronie's Disease. Since the problem may be caused by trauma to the erect penis when hit or bent abnormally, many Herballove experts recommend using caution when assuming the ‘Woman-On-Top’ position. They offer many tips and tricks that could help you avoid penile injury and prevent the development of Peyronie's Disease. However, it is important to note that penis trauma is not the only cause of the disorder.


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Ideas: Men,Peyronie's Disease

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