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Jelqing Caused Serious Damage To My Penis

Jelqing penile enlargement exercises shrunk his penis and made him impotent.

Case #: 298


I have never been interested in penis pumps or enhancement pills, but Jelqing looked natural. I started doing the stretches only for five minutes. I stretched my penis while being flaccid, and I followed all the instructions. I might have pulled too hard, and suddenly my penis contracted to the size of a peanut. After my accident, I no longer am able to maintain an erection. What is wrong with me?


First of all, you need to rest and relax. You are not going to be able to heal your penis if you remain a nervous wreck. Anxiety only increases the inflammatory factors in your body that contribute to your current crisis.

Jelqing over-stretches the penile tissues rather than cutting them. As a result, the micro nervous damage inside these penile tissues: tunica albuginea, spongy corpus cavernosa and corpus spongisosum cannot be detected by existing medical scanners or instruments due to the limitation of resolution. The over-stretched tissues can be rejuvenated, but collagen scar tissue will form around the damaged area to constrain an erection and hamper blood flow. Generally, you need penile blood flow to rejuvenate the over-stretched nerves. If not, your damaged penile nerves will be scarred too.

Penile exercises can damage or distort the nervous cells, fibers and synapses in the corpora, the area where nitric oxide and dilator cGMP neurotransmitters are released in order to power an erection. Once the false enlargement is gone, the penis looks like a beat up sausage and will not erect spontaneously—not permanently, but for a few days or weeks. When the penis regains its erectile capacity after the nerves repair themselves, the erection may never be as hard as it was.

To heal your body from the damage Jelqing may have caused, you may want to try Penile Injury and Damage Repa

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Views: 148

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 61174

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