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Loose and Lonely: What It Means to Be Loose After One Partner, and How to Fix It

Her boyfriend has told this 25-year-old female that she’s too loose; even though he’s the only man she’s ever been with. She kicked him to the curb, but feels that her vagina is too loose. What can she do to tighten it up?

Case #: 1666


Hello, I am a 25-year-old female and I have been with my boyfriend for over 6 years. Before him, there was nobody else sexually; I lost my virginity to him. Recently he said something really insulting to me, he told me that my vagina was too loose for him to be the only man that I have ever slept with. He also brought up how his ex had slept with many men before him and she was even tighter than I was. This made me really mad and I didn't know what to say so I told him to leave. The problem now is, my vagina really is loose. Is there any way that I could make my vagina tighter?


What a jerk! I’m glad to hear you kicked him to the curb. It’s too bad he did such a number on your self-confidence. Vaginal tightness and looseness is such a subjective quality, that I think you might have misrepresented yourself. I can definitely give you some tips on how to increase your vaginal tightness, but I think you need to cut yourself some slack, and not fall in for whatever any idiot tells you about your own body.

Don’t Listen To Him!

Just to illustrate what it means for a woman to feel she’s “loose” after being with one man who told her so, imagine that your boyfriend told you that it’s abnormal to have two nipples instead of three. Having never been with another man, or presumably seen another woman’s naked breasts, and knowing that he has seen other women, what choice do you have but to believe him? However, you should absolutely not base your body image upon the ideas of one foolish person.

Sex Facts

Even to me, it sounds as though your boyfriend was simply trying to hurt you as much as he could, for whatever reason. Maybe his ex, having had so many other men, had also learned how to keep her vagina toned with the exercises I’m going to tell you about. Maybe she was just preternaturally tiny. She was also, I assume, younger than you are now, and your body has a heck of a lot more “snap-back” in your teens and early twenties than it does afterwards. However, I’ve read many and many an article and study, which state that it’s essentially impossible to stretch a vagina out with a penis.

Kegels for Fun and Profit

And so, to business! Tightening a vagina is really very easy. The best way to do so is to engage in the practice of Kegel exercises. These can be done with or without the assistance of Kegel balls. Arnold Kegel coined these exercises in 1948, as a way to help women control incontinence. They strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles that surround the bladder, vagina, and anus.

Repetition results in strong, well-developed muscles, which can clench tightly on the penis, creating the sensation of tightness. Kegels also create much more intense orgasms, as the muscle contractions that occur therein are heightened by the increased power.

Quick N’ Easy

For quick results, and as an easy way to begin, I recommend trying Kegel balls. (SEE: Vaginal Looseness Improvement with Kegel Balls) They will help you more easily grasp how to employ the correct muscles. They come in various weights, so you can increase your strength, just as with any other exercise. You will certainly see results by trying this Kegel method. I wish you much luck and happiness in your future love life!

What to do

Kegel Balls For Vaginal Looseness and Incontinence

If you’ve ever constructed a paper airplane, you’ve noticed the short lifespan of paper.

[More Details +]

Views: 104

Ideas: La flojedad Vaginal femenina

Blog ID: 60773

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