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Females Void Of Orgasm

Learn about a young lady who seems to have created her own orgasmic demise, and what she may do to fix it.

Case #: 1364


I am a young lady who likes to use a vibrator on a daily basis. When I first started using a vibrator I could orgasm almost immediately, but now it is increasingly difficult to have an orgasm, almost impossible. I have been reading the site and I realized that I am going to have to give this habit up. I am very worried and I want to be able to regain my sensitivity like I once had. Is there any supplements or medication that I can take to help me? I am very worried about my problem.


As you may already know, most women heavily rely on the stimulation of clitoral nerve endings in order to reach orgasm. If the sensitivity in those nerve endings is temporarily out of commission, so will be the fate of your orgasms.

Clitoral Insensitivity

There are numerous causes for loss of sensitivity or elasticity in the vaginal area. Those reasons include, but are not limited to; vibrator abrasions or mechanical damage to the area, birth control, or surgery, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, PMS, or medications. Basically, any drug, internal imbalance, or activity that greatly increases the level of estrogen in the body may cause adverse effects in the clitoris and G-spot. This occurs because estrogen lessens most nervous sensitivity and will shrink a woman's erectile tissues and cells.

Course Of Action

Your first step to clitoral recovery would definitely be to drop that habit as quickly as possible. At this point, your current form of masturbation is virtually doing nothing for you. In fact, at this point the vibrator is probably delaying your orgasms even further and doing more and more damage to your clitoral nerve endings each time you use it. The only tried and true way to end your orgasm woos, is to hand that vibrator a cease and desist order. Otherwise, the numbness that you're feeling now could progress into a much more complex, and painful situation.

Though there's nothing wrong with masturbating the old fashion way, I would urge you to abstain from that as well for at least a few weeks so that your vagina has the proper amount of time too fully heal itself.

Fully Fix It

In order to bring back the sensitivity completely you must replenish your hormone levels back to what they once were. You may do this by utilizing herbs such as Passion Flower, Fo Ti, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, and Turkey Rhubarb. These natural herbs will help rejuvenate the clitoral tissues by promoting better blood circulation to the genitals, subsequently engorging the clitoris, vagina, and G-Spot with the newly circulated blood. (SEE: Vaginal Repair & Restoration Formula) They can also help increase prostaglandin production, which will aid the uterine and vaginal muscles in relaxation.

If, after six months, your clitoral sensitivity does not return you should definitely seek medical intervention. Deadening of the clitoral tissues can be healed and reversed, but only if you act fast and aggressively. If the condition spreads to larger parts of the vagina, you could have a bigger problem on your hands.

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Views: 117

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 60748

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