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Sleep Deprivation Herbal Remedy with SAM-e

Dre used to sleep an average of eight hours a night. He would awake rested and energized. Now, after years of

constant sexual exhaustion, he remains awake for three, four, even five hours in bed before falling asleep. Hhe can count sheep, listen to music, and even drink a glass of milk to no avail.

Exercise and even meditation seem to fail as well. Most people in Dre's situation may profess they have insomnia. While most may have mild insomnia, the source of this restlessness may be coming from some extensive masturbatory activity.

This Solution Can Help If You:
  • Experience insomnia caused by mental and sexual exhaustion
  • Experience Irritable, nervousness and rage of discomfort 
  • Notice blurred vision, eye fatigue and inability to concentrate
  • Witness a disruption of your circadian clock
Formulated To Fix Insomnia & Mental Exhaustion Based On These Healing Herbs: 
Sleep Disturbance Has Aged You

Your body prepares for sleep long before your head touches the pillow. While you are awake, the brain secretes a sleep-promoting chemical called adenosine. Once you fall asleep, the body breaks the stockpiled adenosine. If you’ve had enough quality sleep, most of the adenosine will be depleted before you wake up. But if you don’t get enough sleep, the leftover adenosine manifests itself in the form of mental cobwebs, which scientists refer to as  “sleep debt". Meanwhile, excessive masturbation can deplete melatonin from the body that induces sleep. With high levels of andenosine and low levels of melatonin, men and women can experience insomina.

Quality Comes First

The quality of sleep is extremely important in the recovery from adrenal fatigue and sexual exhaustion. Mentally and physiologically exhausted people often do not sleep enough even if they slept for eight hours a day or took sleeping pills. The “quality over quantity” rule resonates with people trying to recover from chronic fatigue and exhaustion. If either the nerve cells are not at ease or the toxins are not expelled from the liver, immunity and hormonal regulations will fail to function properly.

SAM-e – Is Better Than Uncle Sam

SAM-e is a naturally occurring molecule that is found in all living organisms. It is distributed throughout the human body and is best known for maintaining mood levels. SAM-e levels tend to decline as people age or their health deteriorates. Those with mental and adrenal fatigue often have lower levels of SAM-e in their bodies. Dietary supplementation of SAM-e is critical for exhausted people who share these depleted levels.

SAM-e transmethylation reactions are involved in more than forty metabolic processes in the body, especially with the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as L-dopa, dopamine, epinephrine and phosphatidylcholine. SAM-e is available as a dietary supplement in most countries. But it is also prescribed as a drug to treat depression, Alzheimer’s disease and mood disorders. [1] [2] [3]

SAM-e Combined With Natural Ingredients

While SAM-e may serve as a critical supplement for people with mental and adrenal fatigue, other known herbs can help elevate sleep cycle distrubted by over masturbation.

  • Astragalus helps combat chronic and adrenal fatigue.
  • Bupleurum can reduce and replenish liver exhaustion, which can lead to depleted hormone levels essential to the sleep cycle.
  • Cistanche improves the adrenal and protects the organs from oxidative damage thanks to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Dong Quai is known to alleviate cases of insomina. 
  • Nacre calms nerves while providing a more restful sleep. Nacre can even reduce performance anxiety, stop premature ejaculation, assist with nocturnal emission (wet dream) and reduce seminal leakage.
  • Os Draconis contains sedative properties that help improve sleep cycles.
Natural Healing Is A Life Saver

Together, Passion Flower, Nacre Calcined, Cistanches Desertecolae, Dong Quai and SAM-e work to calm the body, metabolize the adenosine, elevate melatonin and restore dominance to the parasympathetic nervous system to combat chronic insomnia.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 60648

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