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Botanical Formula For Problematic Hair Loss

John is 28 years young. And like most men his age, his hobbies include football, bike riding, drinking, watching MMA—and masturbating. John masturbates an upward of eight or nine times a day, and he has done so regularly since the age of 11. And now at the ripe age of 28, John is starting to see his hairline recede. John, like most men ages 16-30, start to see their hairlines recede after excessive masturbation sessions. (What is your TYPE of Hair Loss?)

According to studies, masturbation elevates DHT levels, creating an ineffectual side effect—problematic hair loss. For men like John who negatively react to DHT, the result could lead to permanent hair. Herbs in this remedy is formulated to specifically help men to recover from Problematic Hair Loss caused by chronic and excessive masturbation.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, testosterone, when converted to DHT, leads to the production of Type II 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme held in a hair follicle's oil glands. Masturbation leads to a high conversion of testosterone to DHT, in addition, it produces glucocorticoids and cortisol that further inflames the body. These chemical reactions lead to hair loss in men.  
Formula In Action:
  • Stops thinning hair and receding hairline 
  • Stimulates the growth of the hair follicles
  • Stops excessive DHT from binding to hair follicles
  • Increases mental will power to overcome masturbation and porn addiction
  • Improves hormonal balance and replenishes HGH and critical neurotransmitters
Formulated To Regrow Hair Based On These Healing Herbs:

Hair Rejuvenation I [What to expectSee it]

Herb Overview
  • Ashwagandha stops thinning hair due to weakened immune system often a result of over masturbation. 
  • Fo Ti is an age old Chinese Herb Fo-Ti (Botancial Name: Polygonum Multiflorum) is the most popular ingredient in herbal hair loss treatment. It also known to help with restoring back pigments for gray hair.
  • Cuscuta blocks DHT. According to Dr. Pandit that the cuscuta extract can inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT)[1]
  • Fenugreek combines with other herbs to be used to encourage hair growth and treat scalp problems.
  • Ginkgo increase brain tissues and hair follicle circulation
  • Dong Quai contains phytoestrogens which help stop testosterone turned into DHT
  • Mulberry bark contains several known hair growth promoter. These ingredients can help over masturbated & exhausted body to start restoring and growing hair. Animal studies shown that the exact from Mulberry prevent the hair from falling out.
  • Passion Flower calms the hyperactive mind that addicted to porn and masturbation
  • Phosphatidylserine increase your will power and determination to cut down masturbation frequency. Known to increase focus power and brain function too.
  • Yumberry contains super oxidative ingredients and Vitamin C that are necessary for growth of healthy hair follicle
Power of Adaptogenic Magic
Besides cutting down the frequency of the masturbation, take advantage of the powerful healing herbs to stimulate the growth of healthy hair follicles. Herbs in this formula synergically increase the bioenergy flow to reduce lower back discomfort, sleep disturbance, and chronic fatigue which are signature symptom of Problematic Stage of Sexual Exhaustion.
[More Details +]

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