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Prurient Pastime Precipitates Penis Problems

A lifelong fascination with pornography has led to noticeable problems with his erections. How can this be? Is it permanent, or can he fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!

Case #: 1746


I am 42 years old and my entire life I have been battling an addiction to porn. Because of my addiction I have experienced erectile dysfunction at times and a weaker, less full penis. I don't want this damage to be permanent and I have been abstaining from having sex or masturbating for fear of making my penis even smaller than it is. Please, please, please. Help me.


We live in the Information Age. With even a basic telephone connection it is possible to transmit information from one computer to any other, anywhere on the planet. Originally intended to facilitate exchange of scientific data, the 21st century has seen it become incorporated into practically every facet of life, including sex. And the floodgates have, indeed, opened wide; “Internet Rule #34” assures us that no matter what it is... there is a pornographic version of it.

Please understand that I'm not judging your tastes. I am merely reminding you that, first, it is next to impossible to avoid, and second, you still need to consume it in moderation. Let's take a look at how over-masturbation works to get a better idea of how to fix it when it breaks down.

Proper Procession

Taking a penis from flaccid to ejaculation and back can take around 20 minutes, especially if you're trying to bring your wife or girlfriend to orgasm. Keeping the operation running smoothly requires a complex series of neurological and hormonal actions, each one leading to the next. You need a certain amount of prostaglandin e-2, for example, to keep the blood vessels in your penis dilated while your erection fills up, but you also need prostaglandin e-3 to reverse that effect, and prostaglandin e-1 to help your skin “snap back” after being stretched under your erection.

Preponderance Problems

Ejaculating more than once every other day runs the risk of building up prostaglandin e-2, which can cause the tissues around the dilated blood vessels to swell up and constrict them from the outside. Also, each time you ejaculate, you put a few small holes in the blood vessels in your penis; your body can fix them as good as new in about two or three days, but only if you don't ejaculate during that time. Interrupting the healing process by poking new holes means that scar-tissue starts building up while your body focuses on plugging the leaks at the expense of truly repairing the damage. This can lead to stiffer blood vessels and, ironically, less-stiff erections when you can't get as much blood to your penis. Add that to the swollen tissue from excess prostaglandin e-2 and possible plaque buildup from poor diet choices, and it's almost a wonder that you get erections at all.

Penis Patching

You are already engaged in the first and smartest step of recovering from penile problems: going without ejaculations for at least three solid weeks. This will give your body time to catch up with the repairs on those holes, and even start dissolving the scar-tissue.

While you're waiting, take those three sex-free weeks to look into some lifestyle changes. Other than the obvious of finding websites to visit other than those that supply porn, you might start with adjusting your diet. Tissue regeneration requires a lot of zinc and B-complex vitamins. Properly-prepared oysters are excellent sources of both, as are lobster and crabs (which is the real reason why these are considered 'aphrodisiacs': they help men recover more quickly after ejaculating). Alternate sources of zinc include pumpkin and squash seeds and toasted wheat germ, or beef and lamb for carnivores. B-vitamins can be found in various different vegetables such as spinach and cauliflower, as well as eggs and whole-grains. Do some research and you may just find some new favorite foods.

A moderate exercise program will boost your testosterone level, which assists with tissue repair as well as fueling your erections and general sex drive.

You might also consider using an all-natural herbal supplement, designed specifically to help your penis recover from erectile dysfunction. (TRY Herbal Formula for Hardness and Enlargement Restoration). It helps improve blood circulation, and helps put your hormones back into proper balance, among other things.

You didn't lose your penis size or your erection strength over night; that came after years of abusing them. Restoring them will not take as long, but you must be sure to follow the instructions, and heed the advice of your health-care provider. Let the process proceed at its own pace, and the results will arrive sooner than you think. Good luck!

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Views: 89

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Enlargement, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60416

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