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Infertilidad masculina
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burning vagina

Vaginal health is determined by proper hygiene practices, good diet, and healthy lifestyle choice. Because the vagina contains yeast particles that promote good vaginal health, women must care for the vaginal environment to prevent infections from taking hold. Poor vaginal health can lead to UTIschronic yeast infections, and repugnant vaginal discharge.
Women who suffer from a burning vaginal sensation can blame hormones as the prime culprit. Hormone shifts occur because of age, stress, or birth control pills. Because birth control medications stimulate the female reproductive system, these contraceptives overproduce prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormone behind that burning sensation. Excessive amounts of prostaglandin E-2 weaken vaginal immunity and increase the risk for vaginal infections.
Vaginal RH Formula I can offer some relief. Liver strengthening and rejuvenating herbs such as Bupleurum Chinense, Rehmannia glutinosa, Dong Quai, and Fenugreek found in this formula increase the effectiveness of the detoxification process. Thanks to these herbs, toxins from birth control pills, alcohol, drug, and tobacco abuse will all be expelled from the body.  In addition, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Fenugreek, and Mexican Wild Yam will provide various phyto-hormones that will increase the good prostaglandin E-1 and reduce the bad prostaglandin E-2.

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