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Now I Have to Masturbate on My Own and Perform Oral on Her. Sex isn’t as Fun as it Used to Be.

His girlfriend has taken birth control pills and smoked pot, which has resulted in intercourse pains, vaginal dryness, and low libido.

Case #: 43983


My friend and I have been together for about 1 yr now. She tried to avoid sex with me, because she has a problem getting wet and not comfortable using lube. She can’t fully enjoy sex with the pain. I try everything to get her in the mood but it's very hard. She can get horny on her own using a vibrator. Now I have to masturbate on my own and perform oral on her. Sex isn’t fun as it used to be. I suspect her marijuana usage combined with years of taking birth control pills might have screwed her inside out.


If you love her, try ways to help her kick out the habit of smoking marijuana. Many women have reported smoking cigarettes while on birth control often resulted in both cardiovascular and respiratory problems: trouble breathing and racing hear beats. Toxin residues buildup from smoking (worse for marijuana) and metabolite byproduct from birth control pills damage the endocrine system at various levels.

Marijuana + Birth Control Pill = Deadly Chemotherapy

Marijuana chemicals are toxins, poisonous to healthy cells. Exposure to its chemicals can put your body in a state of "chemotherapy" that deadens your nerves, leading to sexual exhaustion. The brain's acetylcholine and parasympathetic nervous functions are responsible for engorging the genitals during sex. The chemicals in marijuana gradually take over acetylcholine in the brain and nervous system, causing the brain and autonomonic nervous functions to become disordered. The neurotransmitter nitric oxide and dilator cGMP become suppressed, leading to a failure to achieve an orgasm.

Hormone-based birth control emulates a pregnancy state by flooding the brain with excessive progesterone and estrogen, so that your brain will think you are pregnant and then shut down your ovarian function and estrogen production. Vaginal lubrication will reduce significantly. Clitoral and vaginal sensitivity will drop too. Mood problems such as depression, mood swings, and lost interest in sex will surface.

Marijuana abuse raises the level of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 in the body which can induce inflammation in brain arteries, constricting blood flow to the brain, and affect the liver to detoxify the excessive hormones and to fully support the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin. The clitoris and G-spot will shrink as a result of a severe deficiency of the androgen hormones androstenedione, free testosterone and DHT. As a result, women taking birth control with marijuana will often suffer from sexual dysfunction or difficulty achieving an orgasm.

To expel the excessive progesterone, estrogen, and toxin residues, she needs to increase the liver function by taking herbal formula such as, Botanical Formula For Detoxify & Intensify Orgasm, which consists of multiple arrays of potent herbs for liver detoxification, realign hormonal imbalance, and restore the essential production necessary for clitoral and vaginal tissue rejuvenation.

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观看次数: 87


笔记编号: 60036

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