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Weight Loss Also Means Loss of Bouncy Breasts for Many Women

She lost weight and now has sagging breasts. This is a common occurrence that causes many women to feel apprehensive about their new bodies. To improve natural bounce and restore her self-confidence, she should take an herbal remedy with key ingredients.

Case #: 998


I have noticed that ever since I lost weight, my breasts are drooping and have lost their tone. Is there anything you can recommend?


Weight loss can be one of the most liberating activities, especially as it builds self-confidence and encourages a healthy lifestyle. But regardless of how sexy your new body feels, the sad reality is that weight loss can cause breasts to sag. Breasts themselves are part of the problem, as they don’t have a built-in support system to help defy the effects of gravity. But the process of losing fat also causes skin around the breasts to stretch. This increases the likelihood that breasts will sag, thereby leading to the loss of tone that you describe.

Composition of Breasts

Breasts are made of three basic components: their shape and size are determined by fat, which is directly related to a woman’s weight. Body fat equates to fat in the breasts, meaning women who weigh more typically have larger breasts. Glands that produce milk are also found in the breasts, along with connective tissues that give natural lift.

It is the connective tissue that plays the biggest role in sagging breasts. Before you lost weight, that tissue was stretched just as a rubber band wrapped around a thick roll of papers is also stretched. Once the weight is lost and fat in the breasts diminishes, the connective tissue is still stretched. It has essentially lost its elasticity, and although the tissue will eventually shrink in size, its elasticity will likely take longer to return. As a result, breasts lose their perky bounce and become flat and shapeless in appearance.

Toll of Sagging Breasts on Emotional Health

Many women worry about sagging breasts and subsequently feel unattractive. It’s bad enough that many women feel inadequate when compared to television and magazine ads with supermodels, although most people realize those impeccable appearances are the result of airbrushing. Still, sagging breasts causes emotional pain and forces some women to hide their bodies behind bulky clothing or constricting brassieres. Others turn away from sex because they don’t want partners to see their imperfections.

The appearance of your breasts is not cause to feel shame. However, because so many women equate femininity with breasts, your concern is understandable. A few steps you can take to feel better about your changing body and also ease the sag is to lose the bra. This is not to say that you should never wear one, but brassieres contribute to sagging. Breasts need time when they can naturally move and bounce.

One occasion when a bra is absolutely necessary is during exercise. A sports bra with solid support can prevent ligaments from stretching even more, especially during vigorous jogging and walking. You can also exercise muscles in the upper arms and chest to strengthen your connective tissue. Lastly, drink plenty of water to keep your breasts – and body – oxygenated and massage the skin on and around your breasts with moisturizing cream to keep it strong and healthy.

Increase the Size of Your Breasts

Many women also explore the option of increasing their breast size. This not only makes breasts look fuller but also restores confidence. However, the best way to increase breast size is with natural remedies. Cosmetic surgery poses serious health risks and may augment rather than improve the saggy appearance of your breasts.

An herbal remedy is the ideal approach to breast growth without unwanted side effects. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Natural Looking Bigger Breast) Look for ingredients like Pueraria Mirifica, which lifts and firms breasts while improving skin tone, and Fennel Seed, which mimics estrogen and causes natural growth. Along with a number of other key ingredients, these herbs also balance hormones and stimulate the growth of glands to replace lost fatty tissue.

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Views: 97


Blog ID: 59307

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