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Side Effects of Acne Drugs & Hair Loss

Here’s an interesting case study involving a gentleman who, as a result of both too much masturbation plus a doctor’s prescribed medication, is losing his hair. How can he stop this cycle? Let’s find out by reading his case.

Case #: 619


I bought into the hype of commercialized acne treatments. I spoke to my doctor and he gave my medication to fight the bacteria growing on my face. I saw my acne clear up, but I saw my hair disappear too. According to my research, the medication I was on had been known to damage the liver, resulting a severe DHT deficiency. What’s going on with my hair loss and acne? Can my over masturbation also be a factor in my now current hair loss?


Not sure about other countries, but here in the United States, many people are obsessed with their lush green lawns, especially in front of their houses for all to see. Just this morning, I saw my neighbor outside in the front of his house on his perfectly manicured lawn, shuffling around and shaking some type of seeds on it.

Lush Green Fields
We greeted each other and he was just brimming with pride, and he probably thought that I was checking out his lawn or something. Our hair is very similar; people with “good hair” or fuller manes tend to that everyone else is enviously of them, it’s quite amusing. You, like many other men, have started to thin out a little bit, and naturally sought out help.

Unfortunately, your doctor, like many physicians prescribed medicine to you that is analogous to recommending a rake to mow your lawn, and has resulted in accelerating your hair loss.

Many pharmaceutical medications can damage the liver and lower your DHT levels, which causes hair loss. In addition to this, excessive masturbation only serves to exacerbate the problem. Every time you masturbate, you put your body through a rigorous chain of chemical reactions that release an explosion of sexual neurotransmitters and hormones such as serotonin, acetylcholine, and dopamine.

After you ejaculate, your body stimulates testosterone to DHT conversion in the testicles and prostate. Through playing with Mr. Happy too much, and not giving your body enough time to recover, you’ve built up large amounts of DHT, which is damaging your hair follicles, resulting in thinning hair. So how can we stop this problem from getting worse?

Sprinkle Some Healing Seeds on Your Lawn

First of all, don’t’ stress out about it! Know that this is a very common issue with men, and that you’re going to be able to mitigate your concerns in no time. Anxiety over it will just throw your hormonal levels out of whack, and just make the problem worse.

Next, start a healthy diet of all-natural foods, none of that junky stuff and processed foods. You want whole foods. Regular exercise (2 to 3 times a week) has been proven to greatly reduce stress levels as well. So join your local gym if you haven’t already, and go for walks or jogs and enjoy some fresh air.

Through these simple steps you will find your mind becoming calmer and more focused, and you’ll be able to get some good sleep at night. One last thing; take a break from masturbating for a few weeks. This will allow your body to rest and rejuvenate its lost resources.

One way that you can really turbo boost your recovery process is to take a healing herbal supplement.

These powerful formulas can also help to balance your body’s hormonal levels, which will help to stop your hair from thinning. In addition to this, they will also gradually raise your neuro-endocrine function, which can greatly reduce your overall stress levels. (See: Herbal Hair Follicle Regrowth)

These botanicals are also specially formulated to reduce the amount of cortisol, glucocorticoids, and DHT, and alleviate the stress placed on your liver, which, as a result of being under duress, has negatively impacted both your nutrient consumption and hormone production. Through all of these factors, you’ll feel like an all new man. Not everyone has to have a perfectly manicured lawn, so let’s save what you have.

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观看次数: 77


笔记编号: 59291

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