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Infertilidad masculina
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It Came From Between the Legs – A Soft Erection Horror Story

You know what it's like. You're in the throes of passion when suddenly your penis starts to go soft. It sucks like nothing else, but this common scourge may be your own fault. Learn the facts, and see how you can get your mojo back.

Case #: 506


I am 20 years old and have been masturbating since I was 11. Over the past year, I have been masturbating at least once a day. I was recently with two girls on separate occasions and was unable to have a hard erection. Even when I masturbate, I can't get a very hard erection. I also have noticed that I get depressed easily. I have stopped masturbating hoping that the sensitivity and hard erections would come back. If you could tell me what to correct my problem I would greatly appreciate it.


Hollywood loves to terrify us with spooky tales of the macabre. Whether it's Linda Blair in “The Exorcist,” or Jason Voorhees cutting up an endless of supply of horny teenage campers, we just can't get enough of this stuff. But that's all make believe.

Real horror is finding yourself in bed with a smoking hot female only to find that your penis has turned into the Blob. I definitely feel your pain, but unlike the kids in “Evil Dead,” your story can still have a happy ending.

The Good News – At Least You're Not Demon-Possessed (Probably)

Horror movies are often about innocent people coming to grips with their greatest fears. So get ready, because I'm about tell you something that you may already be fearing deep down: Your soft erections are probably the result of your own over masturbation.

Makes sense, right? When people have too much sex in those Hollywood horror films, you just know that something bad is going to happen to them...Okay, maybe that's not the scientific explanation for your problem.

Here's the real issue. Every time you ejaculate, your body releases a massive cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters. From among those chemicals, you achieve a burst of testosterone that promotes a firm, healthy erection. But when you masturbate or have sex constantly, your body can't replenish those testosterone reserves quickly enough, and your erection ends up looking as lifeless as a Michael Myers victim.

How to Resurrect the Dead...Penis, That is

When it comes to defeating the monster, horror movies have taught us two things. First, never run upstairs. Second, victory comes from within. So if your hormones are causing you to go soft, you first need to look inside yourself...literally.

Look for botanical solutions that contain key ingredients like American Ginseng, Butea Superba, Cuscuta,Dong Quai, Epimedium, Licorice, Schisandra, and Tongkat Ali. Ingredients like these can replenish your hormones and balance your neurotransmitters while treating any damaged penile tissue.

Before you know it, your erections will be as strong as they were in their prime. Most importantly, take care of your penis, and whatever you do, stay away from that cabin in the woods...

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 59064

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