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Tapered-Off Tactility Takes A Toll On His Tool

Having lost all sensation, he can no longer achieve an erection. Not even at the last length he had seen it, which was four inches less than normal. What has happened? Is it permanent? Can he fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!

Case #: 1714


Over many years my penis has shrunk and I can't explain why. I know a lot of people think that this is impossible but it actually happened to me. I have shrunk almost 4 inches in total. Now that my penis has shrunk so much I am only down to a 2 1/2 inch erection. This has brought another problem, I can't get an erection anymore because I can't feel anything in my penis. I am only 24 years old and I am pretty [healthy]. I don't understand why I can't feel anything in my penis and why my penis has shrunk so much over the years. Could it be possible to get the penis back to it's normal size and maybe get the feeling back? If I can't have any feelings down there then there's no point to a small or big penis.


At this point, human science has achieved some pretty remarkable things. We can travel at speeds undreamed-of a mere century ago by relying on airplanes, magnetic-levitating trains or automobiles. We can communicate with people on the other side of the planet as easily and clearly as if they were on the other side of the table. Diseases that had hounded us for centuries are now curable with medicines within the reach of the common citizen. And, of course, we can treat or cure most forms of penis shrinkage and numbness. So, let's analyze the possible sources of yours and then look at possible responses.

Troubleshooting Your Tackle

A strong, lasting erection requires strong tissue inside your penis to contain the blood that inflates your corpus spongiosum and left and right corpus cavernosum. You also need properly-operating nerves to control the process from start to finish. Damage to either or both will have an effect on your erection.

Every ejaculation leaves a few tiny leaks in your penile blood vessels. Your body can repair them as good as new in a day or so, but it needs that time to finish the job. If you ejaculate more than once every other day, those leaks can accumulate faster than your body can plug, and eventually, there won't be enough undamaged blood vessels to get all the blood you need into your erections.

Your blood vessels can also get constricted by scar tissue from those incomplete repairs, or from a buildup of plaque from consuming too many fatty foods. Yes, double-decker cheeseburgers and fries can threaten your erection as well as your heart.

Insufficient blood supply can damage your nerves, too. Since some are responsible for controlling the behind-the-scenes action of your erection and ejaculation and others are responsible for letting your brain know how things are doing down there, keeping the blood flowing should be a very high priority.

Rod Repair Routines

You've already stopped masturbating, intentionally or not, so that may help. If you start seeing the return of your erections in the next three or four weeks, do yourself a favor and leave it alone while it heals.

In the meantime, you should assess other aspects of your life to see what other improvements you can make. Improving your diet will give your body more of the nutrients it needs to get back on track. Tissue regeneration requires lots of zinc and B-vitamins. Properly-prepared oysters or other seafood like crab and lobster are good sources of both (which is why they're considered “aphrodisiacs”). You can also get plenty of zinc from certain red meats like lamb and chicken, or toasted wheat germ and pumpkin seeds. B-vitamins abound in whole grains, leafy green vegetables and dairy products. Do more research and see what kinds of foods appeal to you.

Look into a moderate exercise program that you can stick with. It's an excellent alternative way to blow off steam (as opposed to masturbating). It also boosts your testosterone levels, which will assist with healing your penis and fueling your erections when they come back. Not to mention the general increase in physical stamina, lean muscle mass and self-confidence, all of which can only help you in your search for a willing sexual partner.

You should also consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement, designed specifically to help men with damage to their penis tissue and nerves. (TRY: ViaPal-hGH-P Herbal Remedy) As it will assist with improving circulation and boosting hormone production, it sounds like a perfect fit for your needs.

Keep your health-care provider up to date with your situation and the solutions you're pursuing, An expert's on-the-spot advice on adjustments to your routines can help keep your efforts progressing smoothly, especially when you're tempted to either overdo it or slack off. Persistent and consistent effort will get you the results you desire. Good luck!

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Views: 88

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 58951

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