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The Peter Pan Syndrome - How does one return from never-never land...

Recently, a 24-year-old man contacted us. He said he started to masturbate and became addicted to it at the early age of fourteen. He remembered that his high school Sex Ed textbook indicated that it was perfectly okay to do so, as it was a way to release stress. He said although he didn’t actually experience much stress, he would still make himself ejaculate every time he watched porn online. Sometimes, he said, he would ejaculate multiple times in a single night.
He admitted to using a lot of drugs and alcohol, always frequently at parties. He was concerned that his resulting behavior kept him from being able to initiate relationships with girls. Then, a year ago he noticed something unusual. He no longer had an erection when he woke up in the morning.

Shortly after, he had developed a full-blown ED problem. Even the online porn that usually got him going failed to do the job; it took five minutes of masturbating and watching just to get a semi-weak erection. He looked younger than his peers, and he lamented that he couldn’t grow any kind of beard.

He told us he suspected it was due to early masturbation. In order to test himself, he stopped watching porn for three days, but still couldn’t get any erection at all. He was scared that he would be impotent for the rest of his life.
Well, we’ve seen this problem many times before. We reassured him that there was nothing to worry about – if he was prepared and willing to do what was necessary to get himself better. We explained that it was good news that he apparently already knew his problem and that stopping masturbation was the right thing to do. We recommended the Advance Herbal Remedy For Exhaustion & Dysfunction. Sure enough, it helped him recover and rejuvenate his body. Upon our advice, he also stopped using street drugs like pot. Basically he was an intelligent person, and he used his best judgment for his own good.
Three weeks after out initial contact, he wrote us the following:
Thank you so much! After taking the formula and staying away from those nasty drugs, I feel like a new man! I’m hard all the time again, but I’ve limited the amount of porn I watch and I don’t jerk off all the time. In fact, I’ve such confidence, I’ve been seeing a girl and I hope to make her my girlfriend. Thanks again!

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Views: 233

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Youth Impotence

GuideID: 62681

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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